After what seems like forever (roughly 1000 hours, maybe more or less idk, it has just been a long time), I finally received my final exotic weapon for xbox1.The gjallarhorn.
For those that think it won't happen, It will never happen, I feel your pain. I thought all of this, constantly watching my friends who have only played 200 hours get one, watching others receive their 2nd, 3rd, and 4th before I even have one.
And just when you give up all happens.
You don't know if you should scream or stay in silence. It is an awkward feeling of accomplishment because you didn't really do anything to receive it but you feel a sense of entitlement because the hours you have invested in this game.
Thank you to the group that I went through VoG on hard with to finally receive this coveted exotic from Atheon.
What exotic weapon is Destiny holding hostage from you?
Have all, including raid ones, exotic bounty ones, and ps exclusives.