[b]First Night[/b]
[i]For man to survive the first night, a torch must have been taken in each hand to ward away the darkness.[/i]
Exotic mark/bond/cloak
Looks pure black with a golden edge and sun symbol intertwined with a moon on it.
Exotic perk: you can not equip exotic armor but you can equip 2 exotic weapons.
[b]First Dawn[/b]
[i]How glorious that must have felt, to survive the night and see the sun rising. [/i]
Exotic cloak/mark/bond
Pure gold with white edges and a white star in the middle
Exotic perk: you can equip no exotic weapons but can equip 2 pieces of exotic armor.
Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump!
One of the [b]BEST[/b] things I've ever heard all day! -Well said, Guardian!
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