Who would win?
I'm putting all my money on Goku.
I chose Destiny because: A: I don't know jack shit about guku because I'm not a nerd who watches that B: same as above
He wouldn't be able to get through the door to the vault of glass.
Oryx vs Goku oryx wins. 1v1
Lol? Okay this isn't ComicVine. The last thing we need is more Goku vs Superman...
Lookup "conservation of ninjitsu" on TV tropes. Lots of Guardians isn't necessarily better..
Who cares? Fights with DBZ characters are pointless because they almost always win eventually. Oh no, a new challenger! We got our asses kicked by him. Goku: Oh, don't worry! We'll just try reeeaaaalllllly hard this time after we train! Trains Long fight Win
Lol so many goku vs. matchups, for this one I gotta go Goku though, super saiyan god would be untouchable and he could just blow entire planets up with his Kamehameha or spirit bomb. Now if we're talking Goku vs. Marvel Goku gets whipped lol
Fights atheon and gets teleported alone. Dies.
Deadpool wins
If goku can die of old age then destiny will win if not it will be a battle that goes on forever since the guardian will just get brought back 30 seconds after goku bashes their face in.
Big ol spirit bomb wipe out the universe
Ghallyhorn=dead goku.
Goku would stop Crotas Sword with a finger while he's in base form lol
Goku has limits, Superman doesn't.
Goku would destroy the source of the Light with the fattest Spirit Bomb hes ever created. The end.
Smoggy Pluto can single handed rekt goku. Come on guys how can yall forget him. Plus Randal the vandal too.
People who don't know Goku vote for destiny lol.
What is a goku? Is it that badly drawen japanese stuff?
Because of ghosts guardians are almost unkillable
Oryx kills goku
Hmmmm...cool Si-Fi people or a weird Chinese cartoon thing....hmmmm tough choice [spoiler]destiny universe obviously [/spoiler]
destiny universe wins - it takes goku 3 seasons to charge a spirit bomb half way.
People don't understand Gokus power. He is sayain God and can destroy a planet just by thinking about it. Just flick the wrist and BOOM! Bye bye everything.
Well superman beat goku... But goku beat a God.... (Broly if you're wondering who) So I would have to say Goku... Due to the fact that he has probably 8000000 times more health than one guardian
Not sure, but you're winning the Battle vs. Loss Of Virginity and it's not even close.
Goku: All right Darkness, prepare to face the power of the Spirit Bomb! People, give me your strength! *8 days later* Guardian: Uhh... Goku? Goku: [i]HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA[/i] Guardian: Goku, the Darkness already won a while ago. You've been floating here screaming for like a week now. Goku: [i]AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA[/i] Guardian: I mean, the big blue energy ball you've got there is cool and all, but... C'mon, man. Goku:[i]AAAAAAAAAAAA![/i] *Finally throws Spirit Bomb, destroys what's left of the last city*