Who would win?
I'm putting all my money on Goku.
A Gorgon has found it's prey.
Destiny universe. Because Goku isn't real...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) The answer is your a Skrub.
Atheon teleports him.........
You can't kill crota without a sword
One does not simply survive a golden gun.
We all know Goku is a literal God. But Destiny has something he doesn't... The thing to kill gods... The Vex Mythoclast... Pre-nerfs
You have all forgotten one very important thing... Destiny has SmoggyPluto!!!! Goku could try and blow up the entire planet and SmoggyPluto would sacrifice himself just to be rnged a special Gjallarjorn known as the "Gjallarjorn Over Quadrillion!!!!!!". I've heard SmoggyPluto not only killed Goku but also superman and batman then for fun Chuck Norris. Game. Set. Match.
Goku but the problem is it would be year 9 of the 10 year plan before he had his kamehameha wave powered up lol. [spoiler]on a side note my phone just insulted me.. While typing kamehameha it autocorrected to lameness lol. Thanks iPhone I know I am a nerd without any reminders[/spoiler]
All 4 planets that seem to exist in destiny universe wouldn't stand a chance.
Edited by CarpentryHero: 4/27/2015 3:33:07 PMEdit: Goku can't run relic, he doesn't make it past Templar.
Goku shoots 1 Kamehameha and the darkness is enlightened and all military personnel of any race or decent is eridicated.
One word settles this. Gjallarhorn
Goku is no match for Randall
We have a purple ball thingy, we automatically win
If Guardians were bribed with free exotics there will be no stopping them. You underestimate the power of bribery! >:D
Goku VS purple ball
Gtfo we would all just cry nerf till he ends up like an AR
If everyone keeps goku distracted long enough for a single gorgon to do his thing.
I would win, I'm more powerful than Beerus, Super Saiyan Broly and God Goku put togeather, I am Randal!
Watch goku vs superman death battle. Prepare to be sad.
Next raid boss is gonna be goku :D there will also be two minibosses, Freiza and Cell
Edited by Red Motive: 4/26/2015 3:07:30 PMSuperman Prime > The rest. Now stop being stupid and comparing completely separate fictional creations.
Superman. [spoiler]Can't wait to watch all the Goku fanboys rage ;)[/spoiler]
Edited by RainDragon: 4/26/2015 2:42:54 AMDo you have any idea how much ammunition and supers and rockets the entire Destiny universe could fire while Goku spends three episodes screaming "hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!?"