Who would win?
I'm putting all my money on Goku.
Goku would spend an entire season clenching his buttcheeks. A guardian would one shot his face by then.
Two words Nova Bomb
Well with the entire Destiny universe wouldn't that include atheon? Well atheon controls time. Erase him from existing.
Goku. Yeah. Just Goku.
We don't know enough about the whole Destiny universe :(
Goku. It's not even a fair fight lol
Edited by TowerFaceHead: 4/26/2015 11:56:54 AMI'd rather fight an armada of poo-flinging monkey spaceships with a broken space windshield than go toe-to-toe with goku.
Goku will always win. He might have a few problems vs us super saiyans (sunsingers)
Everybody wipes. Goku despawns. Warlock self res
How many Destiny universes does it take to kill Goku? [spoiler] IT'S OVER 9000!!! (breaks console)[/spoiler]
Edited by Lady_VonKrontz: 4/25/2015 10:35:55 PMAll those DragonBall derps would die. .. my super charges in a few minutes rather than 3 episodes. They all look like they are ready to take a massive shit while they "charge" summon there powers.
32% of these people don't know who Goku is! Smh, I bet even krilin or Yamcha could kick the guardians arse.
Edited by Tut813275: 4/26/2015 2:59:21 AMCrota couldn't beat kid goku sooooo.
Edited by Tut813275: 4/26/2015 3:04:00 AMHave you seen his spirit bomb when he's a super saiyan god?? It's a fckin DWARF STAR...A. DWARF. STAR.
Haha this just made my night
Destiny universe vs goku: Goku is ready Guardians kill all darkness minions and loot the spoils Goku is confused Guardians argue over who earned the gear Goku is bored Some guardians refuse to fight goku cause he's a scrub with no raid completions and start shooting other guardians for easy K/D boost Goku leaves Guardians discuss minimum grimoire points accepted to attempt a goku kill Goku is outside playing with his kids.
Gokus' insane plot armor makes him invincible against any foe.
Who? Ah, from a kids cartoon? I say Superman then.
I think goku would beat any one thing in the Destiny universe, but between all of the millions of guardians, billions of minions of darkness, and gods like atheon, crota, Oryx, etc, he has no chance.
37% of this thread obviously doesn't know who goku is
Let's have saint-14 come and crack goku's skull with a headbutt... Lol
Two words: thorn and ghallarhorn
Destiny wins simply because when guardians die then can come back almost instantly compared to having to find the dragon balls. Also the darkness could take him but my bets on Kabr
The destiny universe does not include Cell. So I'm assuming destiny is -blam!-ed.