How about a real matchup, Jesus Christ vs Goku. Who's going to win??
Edited by GameBroJeremy: 4/25/2015 4:45:07 PMWell, Jesus had the power to create miracles and healing. Goku... Well, he can defeat Jesus quickly. Then again, Jesus can resurrect. Goku needs the dragon balls to do that. I guess Jesus would win.
All pretty good Jesus powers you've mentioned. I think some are highly underestimating the power of Christ.
Trick question goku is Jesus
[b]Goku[/b]: collect the dragon balls to wish me back. [b]Jesus[/b]: damn I died, gimme three days, I'll be right back. Jesus won, who's next? EEEEPIC FORUM BATTLES OF DESTINNNYY!
Goku. Always Goku.
Neither they both don't exist.
If Jesus doesn't exist, then who do I talk to every night before I go to bed???
Probably a figment of what you perceive to be a higher power but it's actually just your subconscious responding to your desperate pleas for help.
Ahhhh... That makes sense lol
You do realize that there are several pagan/secular/non-biblical accounts of Jesus, right? You may debate his divinity, but to say he didn't exist is just asinine.
Are you serious, Jesus was a pussy peace loving tree mating hippy virgin! Goku wouldn't even need to go sayen on his arse, he could just spank him to death.
Jesus actually took his mom's virginity the day he was born. So, it's impossible for him to be a virgin. [spoiler]I might be going to hell for this comment[/spoiler]
:,-( lol
Jesus easy
Interesting Destiny fact: Jesus was actually the first warlock ever. He is the reason for them wearing robes, having angel of light, and self resurrect.
Jesus Christ would win, no doubt in my mind.
Goku has resurrected more times than jesus.
Ah but Goku can fight while being dead. It's not about resurrecting at that point so...going to side with Goku. Plus Jesus was only able to resurrect thanks to God bringing him back. I'm pretty sure that if he was stupid enough to keep dying in some battle that God would just say tough luck and leave him dead.
That's only because Goku dies a lot more than Jesus.
How is that a real match up? Jesus Christ has nothing