originally posted in:BungieNetPlatform
Is every single hash different from each other, or are hashes only unique in the context of their item type? For example, would it be possible for no two vendors to have the same hash and no two perks to have the same hash, but there be a case where a vendor and a perk have the same hash?
Also, since we're here, does Xur's hash change each week or is it constant?
Indeed, hashes are only guaranteed to be unique for a given "top-level entity". Hashes are unique for item definitionss, and unique for vendor definitions, but not guaranteed to be *between* vendors and items. Also, as Rikkert2x pointed out, definitions of entities are uniquely identified by their hash, while actual instances of entities are identified by other "Id"s (which only really matters at the moment for Accounts, Characters, and Items) Also note that hashes for non-top level entities are not guaranteed any sort of uniqueness outside of whatever they are contained within. For instance, Talent Nodes have hashes, but they are only unique within that specific talent grid. (they also are subject to version dependency. You should only trust version independence in top-level entities as well)
Edited by Rikkert2x: 4/29/2015 12:21:22 PMEach item has an 'itemHash' which determines what object it is weapon, helmet, gloves etc.. When you purchase an item it will get an Unique 'itemInstanceId', which holds the progress/stats/perks of the item. It is poosible to have double 'itemHash' in your inventory ( you just have a double item ), with other stats/perks/progress You can not have duplicate 'itemInstanceId'