I am selfish so I can stay alive and revive.
I am hardly a selfish person. Explain how ALL hunters are selfish.
Drop no orbs can skate around the map with both classes warlock super one area and the sunsinger in pvp is alright but it's not like golden gun all one hit poor Titan runs bubble or fist is alright hunters special just takes to much area too op in pvp it's insane I've used my friends hunter I murdered with blade dancer
Edited by BanditNation: 4/25/2015 11:12:58 PMIt can take down a Ward of Dawn, and the Titan in it as long as they don't have a shield. It can one-hit Guardians without a shield. We can drop 8 orbs if we use our supers right, like the other classes. It's easy to miss with Golden Gun, I might add. Same with Arc Blade.
if golden gun is used correctly it can create just as many orbs as any other super and blade dancer is glitched it should be making more orbs than it does dont call us selfish because you admire our supers
Run and go invs basically run around untouched so much skill omg
Yes, because EVERY SINGLE HUNTER uses invisibility.
The guy from the twitch even said hunters are the best aw the new gear all there perks invis helmet for constant radar just like the creators like it too much and focus allot on it xur had nothing for warlocks for months VOG lots of work how lots of work went into it crota creators put crota together so quick and think about it pretty much revolves around the hunter I lie ? Easiest class to use
>Doesn't have a hunter
hunters have terrible supers for pve and they dont have exotics that are that good titans and warlocks both get better exotics