[i]Well now, what to do....
*Taps chin*
Are you satisfied yet?[/i]
*grabs doctors bag and reverses effects* Lets truly fight gunslinger vs. Melee expert i guess. Dont do that again
[i]*Does it again*[/i]
*evades* Dont be predictable.
[i]*You step in dog shit* And that which talks big makes himself a fool. Maybe you want to look before you step?[/i]
[spoiler]im way damn busy right now sorry.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]*Chicken noises*[/spoiler]
*a pidgeon pases by and Yells* KARMA!!!!!! *a pigeon pop falls on you* *the pidgeon flies away with a troll on his face*
*a plot backdoor opens* DID sombody say meele expert?
*passes by and notices you* darn i gotta found out if i can stand that. When you are don efinde me at the tavern so i cna tst myself. *goes to the tavern*