How many super saiyans does it take to change a lightbulb?
Only one. But it will take 18 episodes and Krillin will die.
18 episodes is still only like 3 minutes. But krillin will die. Poor little guy.
Haha love it.
This made my day.
[quote]How many super saiyans does it take to change a lightbulb? Only one. But it will take 18 episodes and Krillin will die.[/quote]
[quote]How many super saiyans does it take to change a lighthouse? Only one. But it will take 18 episodes and Krillin will die.[/quote]
two drops of pee just came out from laughter...well done lolz.
A+ 7/7 would rate again
Add a movie into the mix and an alternate universe and then it will continue into season 11. Lol
And Frieza will survive the Spirit Bomb.
4 of those episodes will consist of vegeta going ssj3
no it will take 19 episodes. They will have to bring him back after all.
This is the hardest I've laughed all day^
So true
If atheon says it, it must be true. [spoiler]plus it's true anyway[/spoiler]
Couldnt help but laugh
Funny as shit
Forgot yamcha.
Everyone does.
I laughed so hard