Just a question:
You like a Good Raid with new Mechanics and almost no flaws?
Or do you like to get a quiek and boring Raid with Bugs and Glitches?
Troll get back under your bridge
Just a question: Did you even read the post or look at that picture?
Did you even look at the link?
Yes and also read his post. And that's my question.
Its a troll, might be better asking that question on an actual crybaby thread
Thank you. This is what I try to tell people. We want another vault of glass, not a super quick strike-type raid like Crota.
Not just a VoG, a bug-less(or close to it) VoG like raid.
Definitely. I just want the complexities of the VOG but not any bugs of course. I think Bungie knows what we expect from them and they will deliver.
Yea they definitely should by now. They don't want everyone cheesing a raid they spent months working on. Probably a lot longer than months actual. VoG was like a puzzle. I'd expect more of the same with some new twists along the way