Hello fellow stranger, my name is Lord Batman, and I'll be your guide to this wonderful section we call, "The Off-Topic". Totally stranded from the other sections, this one is unique, but it is also dangerous. Here are some guidelines to this sections here... 1. Post Lennys for the laughs 2. When you're trying to be cool, include Mountain Dew, Doritos, and Weed to times your coolness by 1337% 3. Since Shrek is sexualize on the internet, it is a good idea to include him to love-based threads, and posts. 4. If you feel there is a good meme for a situation on a thread, go to knowyourmeme.com, and look for it there. 5. And finally, the most important rule of all the rules. One does not simply post about Destiny, so if you are planning to do so, be prepared for the others to harass you... Well that's all from me then. I think you'll fit in quite well in here using the rules above. Take it from me; I started here 2 days ago.