Clearly this fine weapon exemplifies American military might and I feel that it should be honored by having a US flag themed skin for it in HoW.
What do you think?
[b] EDIT:[/b] added the satire tag because obviously people are too dense to get I was joking without the stupid tag. I didn't put it on in the first place because I figured people were smart enough to realize that there's no way in hell someone would SERIOUSLY suggest that, IT'S A NORSE WEAPON FFS, why in the world would it be red, white, and blue?!
Edited by littlegiants49: 4/26/2015 8:44:26 PMJust found out I'm not an American because I don't want a flag skin on my make believe gun.
I'm american but voted nope. There is no USA after the collapse, just saying
This forum went full retard!
I love America but American print is hill billy haha
The two percent lol
Soviet Union Red Death
Edited by DeathsPit00: 4/26/2015 8:34:27 PMYou should add another option or two for yes for all countries or just plain no. I say no because there is only one city left on Earth, so what would be the point?
No lets not. Not only would users be taxed to death it would probably get stamped with Obamas face and converted to shoot cotton candy or some shit.
Why don't people understand that if weapon skins DO come, they will NOT be for exotics?
But Gjallarhorn is Icelandic. So Icelandic flag would suit better.
No thanks, but I'm all in for Different shaders and Camouflage.
No. I'm a huge patriot myself, but keep this shit out of Destiny. No flags and shit for anyone. It's a science fiction game where nations have no meaning anymore. It's just humans/Earth vs. aliens. This is not GTA Online or some shit like that.
I think this is a perfect illustration of why people have a dislike for America, the arrogance and presumption that as a nation, they are somehow better than everyone else... There is a massive difference between having pride in your country and forcing the same "pride" onto others.
#FreedomHorn Im English, and would like one with a teacup in place of the wolf-head, and a reticle that resembles a monocle.
I'm American and no
Does the Gjallerhorn 'friendly fire' lots then? Or go inwarranted into countries it has no business in...invariably leading to hundreds more terrorist being created than were killed? Mine doesnt. Guess mine is aimed a bit more carefully
This is a great idea also could we make our guardians overweight aswell
No thanks [spoiler]Although weapon skins would be nice[/spoiler]
I made this in jest, had no idea people would get up in arms about it...
Don't you mean tower faction skins? Who doesn't want a Dead Orbit Gjallarhorn? All in revenant black and white. Sounds neat. FWC might look weird, but eh, all their stuff does.
You know we in the USA are NOT the greatest country This "better than everyone else" attitude is the reason other countries don't like us And for real we are not the best in most topics Unless you are talking gun deaths and number if people in prisons we ARE number one there I love the USA but really come on people aren't looking at facts or refuse to believe it
No. Thats a stupid idea. I'm an American Veteran and I think thats stupid. Gjallahorn has nothing to do with America.
Edited by BS_got_ya: 4/26/2015 8:04:17 PMdont know if you ever noticed but in destiny there is no america if anything the gjallarhorn is russian.. just saying its called old Russia.. not old america
To all the anti America Americans, pack your shit and leave. To all the anti America people elsewhere you don't have to come here. Stay in you PERFECT country we don't want you here anyway we have enough assholes here already.
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