Clearly this fine weapon exemplifies American military might and I feel that it should be honored by having a US flag themed skin for it in HoW.
What do you think?
[b] EDIT:[/b] added the satire tag because obviously people are too dense to get I was joking without the stupid tag. I didn't put it on in the first place because I figured people were smart enough to realize that there's no way in hell someone would SERIOUSLY suggest that, IT'S A NORSE WEAPON FFS, why in the world would it be red, white, and blue?!
I'm Texan so I want a Texas skin
Freedom at its finest and most deadly state
petition to have gun skins in general.
Next time don't forget to tag your arrogant posts with a Satire tag...
Will it launch drones that kill innocent civilians too?
you have been watching toooo much arnold Schwarzenegger and Team America "FCUK YEAH " LOL !!! only in America. !!
You want gun skins? Go back to black ops 2
This post is a little biased... I am a true American, (born and raised here) but just, REALLY? Bungie would NEVER do such a thing! Idiot... Answer choice D: no. I mean, C'MON! THEY ARE ALL YES! (Except the one that says that "they are not American so no") I mean, that is kind of racist, and extremely biased... Add #satire
What about a swastica?? Stupid nationalists!!!
What about a swastica?? Stupid nationalists!!!
even the name does not sound American lol
Makes sense. We kill innocent people everyday,America oooooh sweet joy
I think you've dished out enough freedom without bringing it into video games thanks.........
Where's the "I'm American and this is a stupid idea" option
No. Usabestcountrylol
i like you being a patriot and such but that sounds pointless, every country would want one and that's alot of unnecessary work and bungie would most likely charge for it
Obvious troll is obvious. But alright, I'll play. This is not CoD. This game is targeted towards everyone and all countries. It takes names from Norse mythology, Japanese history, Russian names and so on. Your guardian doesn't have to look like the average American hero: broad shoulders, big jaw, blue/green eyes and blonde. At the same time, they'll alienate and cause endless anger (and justified!) comments everywhere. Can you imagine if they suddenly had that flag skin on Gally? I wouldn't blame people from other countries for targeting the strongest weapon in the game towards Americans because that's exactly what they'd be doing if they did that. What about the trolls claiming that if you own Gally but are not an American, then you need to dismantle it? Someone with a slight accent would be harassed easily by a troll. Bungie would be giving them a reason to do so. Not only that but then why not give Suros a Mexican flag skin? Or Thorn with a French flag skin? How would everybody feel about that? Bungie is smart and cannot handpick their fanbase, especially in the condition that Destiny is in where they have a lot of damage control to make. Flags for profiles and whatnot are ok because that's YOUR identity. No one can tell you you're doing (your identity) wrong. But you cannot force someone's identity onto others. Not if you're smart.
Edited by Dahm: 4/27/2015 4:21:34 AMWorst troll I've ever seen. *petition to be able to go negative in dislikes
MEXICO -blam!-!!!!
Edited by ConnorCT10: 4/27/2015 2:21:12 AMI would prefer bungie to remove ghorn from the American players accounts That would shut u up
nice thread, easy troll bait.
I'm an american and everything down to my golden retriever is painted in the colors but that is such a stupid idea.