Honest question. With the rampant crucible lag, I have to wonder...do people KNOW they have a bad connection? Is bungie running dedicated servers (pardon the parlance, not my forte), or are we connecting to a single host for each game?
I've noticed that whichever team has more red bars, that team wins I was going to start collecting data on bar colors and wins but I had to leave my house
I tried to play crucible last night and I was "that guy". First game I was the only one with a red bar which I didn't understand because my internet speed is great and normally my connection is green. It was terrible as I would shoot people and they wouldn't die but suddenly I would, ammo boxes wouldn't form, etc. I ended up just playing something else. Funny thing is when I have a red bar the game is terrible for me and I do terrible so I stop. Some how other people have red bars, murder everyone and win the match.
Yes a P2P set-up sadly , that's why the one guy can have a red bar to you, but since he is host he'll still run around evading all shots while killing you without you even seeing a person. Hope for an update to this soon, since they "balanced" the crucible the lag has been off the charts.
peer to peer for crucible which is a shame
P2P connection so no servers from what I have read for actual gameplay so its all about the random person in the group that is chosen to be "server". Another reason I dont crucible. My son does though! He complains at times haha
I know when I'm red bar I'm gonna have a great game!
Laggers don't notice how bad they lag if they even notice at all On their tv, its a lot smoother than what everyone in the lobby sees. They CAN escape from death and avoid a ton of damage while they're struggling to sync properly all while being able to damage u with greater success than u can to them as they teleport and freeze in motion or in place being immune to damage only to start moving again seconds later
I typically run under 50ms ping. By which I mean, usually 15-25, sometimes up to 50. What most people don't seem to understand is that you don't need 30gb/s connections to play an online game. You only need 1.5 Mbps to stream HD video. I run everything fine on 2.5 down. You're welcome to tell me otherwise, but I'll tell you right now, you're wrong and you can piss off.
No, there is no dedi's for the pvp of the game for older consoles. and most do not care if their connection is up to YOUR standards of how you think it should be. most just play to play and have fun and not take it as serious as you are doing.
Killing me with a red bar connection = reported
Edited by Afawafa: 4/28/2015 11:47:00 AMYes I do notice it. I red bar on a fairly regular basis, about 1/2 my matches. When I red bar everything takes a second or two later to die, and I'm sure enemies see me die later than I'm supposed to as well. Life would be a lot better for everyone in the game if I dont keep getting matched with US players from across the globe.
Local fireteams in your country are inviting worldwide friends to team up with it's not rocket science it's a fact this is why we see so many red bars in crucible.
It cuts both way. Sometimes I lag badly and everything outshoot me. Sometimes I lag badly I can survive a dead on ghorn blast. I am deeply confused.
The game has poor connection even with green connection, it is obvious who has the better connection in gun fights.
I'm sure the unkillable red bar blade dancer wih thorn who's impossible to kill but hits you with every shot has no idea he's lagging and thinks everything is legit
Edited by NathanW18: 4/28/2015 3:31:18 AMI assume the vast majority of people don't know if they have a bad connection. People are connecting off of their mobile network and playing on wireless internet and wonder why the game lags. This is not the only reason, though. You can experience lag, even if you're playing on a stable, hard wired connection. I believe there are three main variables that are causing the lag. #1 - Lag on the player's end. High bandwidth does not mean you have a stable connection. Ping and jitter are the most important variables. If your family are watching Netflix or downloading films, you're probably going to see lag. Even if you have a lot of bandwidth. #2 - Horrible netcode. Kill trading is rampant. I have never kill traded this much in any other FPS. You kill someone (they have zero health), but they don't die straight away and kill you. #3 - P2P servers. One player in the lobby has to host the match. This is never going to be as stable as dedicated servers. This costs money to implement, but it's not like Activision haven't made a killing on Call of Duty and Destiny. They could easily afford to implement them, but they don't care enough to do so.
No dedicated servers for us
Sometimes I will see my gt with a red bar connection, then 1 min later it will be greens across the board. Sorry if I'm glitching around crucible everyone. I've done everything possible to have a better connection (even changed internet providers)
"You have been returned to orbit because your internet sucks" Well.. That's funny, because when I watch porn it loads the whole 10 minute video in 2 seconds with my 50 meg connection.. The last patch was downloaded in less than 20 minutes. I play halo and never lose connection. I download 100 songs on spotify in less than a couple minutes. But yeah destiny you're right my internet sucks. [spoiler]fix your shitty mcshitsauce servers FFS[/spoiler]
Edited by Adam: 4/27/2015 10:43:20 PMIt's not [i]just [/i]latency. The game's netcode is probably the worst I've ever seen. Hence the kill-trades, being shot around corners, post-mortem melee kills etc What a lot of people assume is lag, is just the shoddy foundations that Bungie built the multiplayer on.
I play destiny all the time, especially crucible. I hardly see lag - nowhere near enough to complain about it like so many people do. Maybe one good player lags every 4,5 games or so...and I still will take them down more often than not so what's with all the complaining?
I have a friend with a bad connection and end up red or yellow barring when playing with them. I once got a msg saying I was being reported so I assume I was lagging. I wish when you reported someone it let them know just so they had an idea.
In pve I always have a green bar In pvp it's always red but my friends never say in lagging, but I've seen people with green bars lagging
Edited by xBraveSirRobinx: 4/27/2015 10:15:34 PMFelt sorry for some random on my team in a game of control last night. He was lagging all over the place. Kept falling to his death and got no kills. Lost planet had a great system. You could pick which country's you joined.
Whether they see it as bad or good, or they intentionally know that a bad connection gives them an advantage or not....Whatever. I Auto-report anyone with a bad connection now, and also report them for cheating if they are on/near the top player on their team, whether they are on my team or not. An unfair advantage is an unfair advantage, no matter how you look at it, and its getting a little tiring shooting someone in the face with a shotgun, only for them to reconnect to the game and end up somewhere behind me, and I end up instead dying to melee that didn't even register on my side of the connection.