Hey all!
My vault is getting messy and I was thinking of how nice it would be to have some organisation options for it.
Nothing fancy is requested but I simply would like the option to hilight a item and then swap it's place with another item.
Or just a "sort by" system were you could choose to sort your vault by rarity, fully upgraded, most used or whatever.
Like and bump if you feel the same way. Then maybe, just maybe it'll be reality. ;)
I was smart enough to buy some exotic armor engrams from xur for when the expansion launches I might get good stuffs
A Clean Up option would be great! In the meantime, it doesn't take too long to manually organize, so I doubt that's high on their priority list.
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/destiny-item-manager/apghicjnekejhfancbkahkhdckhdagna?hl=en Using this chrome app helps for organizing
I just take all my hand cannons out and put them back in, same for shotties, pulse, etc. that way when u put them back in they are in order. I organize it every week or so if need be .