[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Look at my feed just did 9-0 and dropped 12+ kills multiple games inv remarkzz if u as good as me if not don't waste ur time because I will leave
Need 1 34 that is good for trials. Gt same as above
34 warlock looking to join a team GT jio99
Edited by Nnjpro: 6/8/2015 8:33:01 AM
Need 1 more warlock flawless gt same
Edited by Remembrance: 6/8/2015 8:25:16 AM-Closed-
Need 1 34 on 360 gt is Bandit the god TOO
I need someone thats a pro player to go to the light house right now. Start to end. I have two great cruicible players. We want someone that destroys in crucible and will be my new hero. Please have been to the lighthouse before or close to it and have maxed weapons and character. Message AubsTheToknBlak on Xbox 360
need 2 more for full team ib msg nick monster17 for inv
Need 1 for trials that is a pro player and is a 34
Edited by o ORBiiTAL o: 6/1/2015 1:12:51 PMLooking for crucible/trials player's to get a regular team going. I'm on x360 and am generally online weekdays from 5pm gmt. Mature players preferred Gt is o ORBiiTAL o
34 hunter for trials send invite gt same as above
Need 2for toO experienced 33+ looking to go flawless gt same as above
Need 4 for Iron Banner. 33's and 4's /w Mics Message for invite Gt is same as above
34 hunter with thorn lf group
Trials 33+. Msg for invt
Level 34 Hunter trying to go flawless. Must be level 34, Must be competitive, Must be serious about going 9-0, Must have a mic for good communication & call outs. Must have maxed weapons. Willing to join if you already have two players, send me an invite or message my GT.
Anyone willing to help a decent average player out in trials?? Just want 5 wins for gear, then done with trails cause all you OP players make no sense. If willing to help me let me know. Message me for invite. gt above.
Need 2 32+ Unmaxed Weapons No exotic emblems Ask for invite on Xbox live Oh, and no mic required. BOOM.
Edited by DiffusePuma9: 6/8/2015 2:19:11 AMLooking for 1for join ToO. Not going 9-0, just getting wins
Reals 33+. Msg for invt
34 hunter for trials send invite gt same as above
Need 1 more 34+ hunter looking to go flawless helping my friend with trials msg for invite
Need 2 experienced 34's for ToO msg for inv
Edited by BIaq dude: 6/8/2015 1:22:52 AMI give up. Destiny u won
Level 33 hunter. Average 2.0 kd. Looking for IB group.