[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Level 33 hunter. Average 2.0 kd. Looking for IB group.
Need one for trials message mikester311 for inv need warlock.
34 Hunter looking to team up for IB Please have a mic Gt same as above
Need 1 flawless player for trials with thorn and sniper
I AM LOOKING FOR AND IRON BANNER TEAM U MUST BE 34 AND pretty good at pvp! MSG me for invite I am 34 hunter
Anyone willing to help a decent average player out in trials?? Just want 5 wins for gear, then done with trails cause all you OP players make no sense. If willing to help me let me know. Message me for invite. gt above.
Looking to go flawless. Must be 34 and have the exotic emblem NO Exceptions NO Scrubs Msg me for invite Gt: Vendetta RC
Need 1 flawless player for trials with thorn and sniper
34 hunter looking for good teammates On 360 send me message
Need 1 for trials of Osiris
Lvl 34 titan striker Looking for a lvl 34 guardian's with good weaps, exp Want to do ToO. Prefer to go flawless but as long as we get at least the 8 wins i will be happy. Gt is mizzouninja3 Inv me.
Lvl 34 hunter currently 6-2, just looking for 2 wins, no mic but i will be able to hear you, please help a fellow guardian
Need one for trials, going for flawless, MSG: LakerFor1ife on 360
Edited by SniperPenguin63: 6/8/2015 12:30:22 AMWill 2 34s WHO HAVE GONE FLAWLESS BEFORE help a fellow 34 guardian attempt a flawless run? Message me ON XBOX 360 for inv :).
I need one for the trials of Osiris message gamertag above
I'm a lvl 34 warlock I need 2 lvl 34s with good guns and experience. I don't have a mic but I'm very good at PvP :)
Need 1 flawless player for trials with thorn and sniper
- Trials Of Osiris - Going flawless - Have good weapons ( Thorn, Vex, Red Death etc. - Exotic Emblem Required - 34s Only - Have Experience - Don't Suck - Have A Mic - GT: Wordplay af
In need of one more 34 with thorn to run some trials
Trials need one Need skills Gt same
Trials of Osiris Need 1 NEED TO BE 34 please have good guns Gt, ItsQuacky Console, Xbox 360
Need 1 for trials
Need 2 for full ironbanner team. Gt same as above
Hosting nf need 2 gt same as above
Lvl 34 warlock voidwalker Lvl 34 titan striker Looking for a lvl 34 gaurdian with good weaps, exp Want to do ToO. Prefer to go flawless but as long as we get at least the 8 wins i will be happy. Gt is mizzouninja3 Message for inv.
I'm looking for 2 34+ For Trials of Osiris flawless run. You must have the flawless emblem and Be great at sniping. Message merlinn18 for an invite. (Warlocks or Titans Preferred).