[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Need one 34 for trials warlock prefer but idc as long as you are good and can work as a team. Gt same as above
Normal crota cp 31+ SB not needed
Looking for 2 others to do ToO Must be 34 and must have a mic. Trying for 9 - 0 Gt Hamytheturtle
Need 1 lv 34 for trials preferably warlock
- Trials Of Osiris - Going flawless - Have good weapons ( Thorn, Vex, Red Death etc. - Exotic Emblem Required - 34s Only - Have Experience - Don't Suck - Have A Mic - GT: Wordplay af
34 hunter with good pvp weapons I am looking for a team of 34s to do iron banner Gt: jamboothy
- 34 warlock - both sunsinger / voidwalker looking for one people to make it to nine wins with starting fresh. message me @ELNERD0o
34 hunter Gt: charlieking13 very experienced had flawless last week. mic busted but can hear. Running vex invite me to ToO
Need 2 Must be titan or warlock 34+ Need mic Msg my gt above
Looking for a flawless team
I'm a level 34 Warlock max Mythoclast looking for a Trials of Osiris team. The team MUST HAVE ALREADY GONE FLAWLESS AND BE LEVEL 34 WITH MAXED WEAPONS! I can't stress that enough. I have, but my emblem slots were full, so didn't get it. Message my gamertag for an invite.
I'm trying to put together a really good team on (360) for iron banner. At least be lvl 3 or up, have good weapons like thorn, lvl 34 only, and have a mic and skill. Msg Teqq Caliber for invite
Need 2 lvl 33+ for trials gt same
finding a team for trials of osiris,want to try go flawless must be level 34 Message MrsLoonyPenguin for invite:]
I'm trying to put together a really good team on (360) for trials. At least be lvl 3 or up, have good weapons like thorn, lvl 34 only, and have a mic and skill. Msg Teqq Caliber for invite
Need 1 flawless trials player
Need 5 for iron banner need to be lv 33+ with good guns message zXz Mitch zXz for an invite
Looking for a trials team YOU must be 34 titan/warlock with flawless run before and have good weapons and must be good at sniping Must have a KD of 1.5 or higher Msg:TheShadowHazard for a invite
34 poe need one more person message for invite
Looking for a trials team I'm level a 33 warlock with a lot of crucible exp
- 34 Mode Prison of Elders - 34+ - Must Have Gjallarhorn - Mic Required - Gt same as above - Experience - No Assholes. - Don't Suck. - Message Me In Game on Xbox 360 - Need few more Join Up!
Edited by gas in my tank: 6/7/2015 1:53:45 PMNeed two for trials, I got kicked outta my house so my time on xbox is limited, I just want to get 5 wins for the exile arms, Please help fellow guardians.. Please... Message MalumEvolvit if your willing to help..
Need 1 more to do 34 PoE.must be 34 with ghorn.message gt above
Starting a trials team only msg me if you have gone flawless before have to have emblem
Looking to join a good team for Trials of Osiris. I need a team whose went flawless before and can handle themselves in 3 vs 1 situations without panicking. I'm a level 34 warlock with experience in Trials and I've been flawless before. Message me at based messiah69 so I can join. Console is Xbox 360.
Lvl 34 hunter. Max weapons and awesome crucible player. Looking for iron banner team. Be lvl 32+ and good crucible player and able to listen to strats. Gt same as above