[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Lvl 34 hunter. Max weapons and awesome crucible player. Looking for iron banner team. Be lvl 32+ and good crucible player and able to listen to strats. Gt same as above
I'm looking for 2 34+ For Trials of Osiris flawless run. You must have the flawless emblem and know what your doing. Message merlinn18 for an invite. (Warlocks Preferred).
I'm looking for 2 34+ For Trials of Osiris flawless run. You must have the flawless emblem and know what your doing. Message merlinn18 for an invite. (Warlocks Preferred).
Trials of Osiris Need to be 34 Need to have gone flawless before Need to have maxed guns Don't waste my time k ow u can win
Need 2 for the trials of Osiris have good weapons and a good sniper a max thorn would be nice :) GT: Wordplay af
Looking for a good team to go flawless on trials of Osiris with I am a 34 hunter and a good crucible player Gt: tkMASTERCHIEF
Lvl 34 lookin to do ToO. Must be 34 message for invite gt as name
Looking to do iron banner, someone pls in me gt is (festivv)
need 2 lvl 34s for flawless victory for trails! must have good guns and be good in trails. will be kicked if your not a very good player! gt same as above.
Need 2 for flawless trials, 33+ and have a mic, message iDxrth for invite
Doing trials of Osiris. MSG DOME RipTide on the Xbox for an invite. Have to have a 1.5+ kd. I will be checking.
Lvl 34 hunter I have exp x360
Looking for a team for iron banner ps4 HQ-BRADSTAR-
Doing trials of Osiris need two more 34 to go flawless msg GT same as above for invite Have good guns
Need one for trials. 33+ with some skill. Msg me more for inv. Same GT as above.
Need one for trials preferably a 34 self Rez warlock gt same as above
need 2 34s for trials of osiris with good weapons msg temihoh for an invite
Xb 360 GT MAGMATRIX117 kd 8-0
Lvl 34 hunter looking to do trails of Osiris inv me gt same as above
Level 34 hunter looking for trials
Join message williamb147 if u want to reck in iron banner we will make a team of 33 and 34 with good weapons please message me if you want to play you must be good at pvp.
need 1 34 for trials of osiris with good weapons msg temihoh for an invite
Trials 33+ looking for two. Gt above
Need 1 for ToO. Need to have at least a 1.25 k/d in trails. Message my gt for invite and put your k/d in.
Lvl 34 Hunter with Max weapons looking for a group for [b]Iron Banner.[/b] Invite me Spidey ARC
Need 2 for trials My mic just broke but I'm still good as shit at trials Going flawless Must be 34 Must have a decent kd I'm tired of losing I have a 1.5 kd