[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
34 hunter with 365 thorn looking for a team of 34s for trials inv or message gt above
34 titan needing 2 others to help me get flawless in trials
Need 2 for Trials. If your trash tour going to be kicked. Sorry. Gt is above 34's only
34 lock maxed weps looking for trials team w flawless as goal
Need 1 for trials 34 only. MUST BE EXPERIENCED. GT: FSGV Message for invite
Need 1 for flawless trials attempt
Looking for experienced players to do trials with 34 hunter must of gone flawless same gt
Need an experienced 34 for ToO. Message xXBUBBA11Xx for invite.
Need 1 ToO. Going for flawless. If you suck you're booted. Message: Mr Ducklumps ii
Need an iron banner team I consistantly wreck shit Tired of losing Msg Fresh Prince148
Need 1 34 with good weapons and 9-0 experience for TOO message gt above for inv
Looking for 2 very experienced players for ToO. Warlock and Hunter preferred, but if you are good, I don't care. MUST have proof of going 9-0 before no exceptions. I would like thorns/last word players and people that are good with snipers. 1.5 kd+ Msg MaceXBL
Need one lvl 34 for trials. Must have good weapons and be VERY experienced. Looking to go 9-0
Need one lvl 34 for trials. Must have good weapons and be VERY experienced. Looking to go 9-0
Need 2 34's for trials of osiris. Just have Mic and experience. Looking to go flawless. Msg for inv
Level 33 get hunter looking for IB group. Got average 2.0 kd! Gt rear plugger
Doing ToO, looking for a 34 Warlock and Titan. You must be experienced and have the exotic emblem. Msg me your class/inv. (360) GT: SoulTaker141
Need one more for trials must be good and good with sniper must be 34 Message gt:above
Need to gud players to help me get 5 wins or more if poss I want the titan arms I'm not very good at trials just being honest.invite me I'm 34 titan maxed weapons gt Daveyg04
Need two 34s for trials gt same
Need one for ToO ask for inv gt same as above no kids
Need 1 34 for trials. Must be experienced. Msg for inv
34 titan looking for iron banner team
Need 2 for trials Gt same
Trials Need two peopl
Need 4 more GOOD people for a full iron banner team message same gt for invite it will be about 5 min before I invite you because I am playing and recruiting