[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
34 hunter maxed weapons doing ToO Need 2, 34+ only please Must have maxed weapons. Gt kila purpz 559
Lv 34 warlock with maxed last word/ Thorn/ Mythoclast looking to join a team for ToO Gt: Corrosive Haze
••ToO•• Must have exotic emblem Must be lvl 34 Must have max thorn, vex, or red death Message me on xbox for invite
Need players for 34 POE Msg nuke the wales2 for inv NEED ONE MORE On round 3
34 hunter LF iron banner group GT xi1337 FREAKix
Trials need to be good ask for invite
Need one for trials, xbox 360.. Not really bothered about your level. Just playing for the gauntlets but will try flawless.. One spot left. Message me on my gt:TheGeneralWoo for invite
Need 1 33+ with mic thats experienced in trials were just looking for a good time and want the 8 wins but after that were going for the flawless. I've been to the lighthouse 5+ times My friend has been 3+ times Message GT: zNatsuDragneelz
I'm a 33 hunter iv been to lighthouse before, I'm looking for 2 people that's have been to light house,good at Trials,and are 34.I'm tired of wasting coins because people suck,message me for invite GT same as above.
2 34s looking for help. Last week 8-2. Need a strong 34. Xbox 1
Need 2 more 34s who have gotten flawless to get flawless this week. Must have a mic and show me the emblem to prove you have done it. MSG me on Xbox for an invite. GT: OMG iTzz BatmaN
Lvl 32 lock looking for PoE level 32 got max gally add gt JVDK23
Need 2 for Trials, must be decent and have a mic. Message iDxrth for invite
Doing trials need 2 to help me with gettimg flawless please? And thank you:)
Need 1 more for Trials. Message for invite Gamertag same as name.
PS3 looking for lvl 33 fireteam for to0 I am a lvl 33 titan with thorn max add me diablomog with the msg orisis
Edited by MYke OchmA11: 6/6/2015 2:22:33 AMLooking for one more that has gone flawless must have good guns and must know the map gamertag is cagierchaff04 my friend has gone flawless so bring emblem as proof prefer if hunter
Need 2 34s for flawless message for invite
Trials looking for 1 MUST be experienced and Lv34 with good guns! Gt is the same
Starting a trials team only 34s have to have maxed weps and only msg me on xbox need 1
Need 2 experienced people for trials
Need 2 for iron banner
Need one more to do flawless. Make sure your good. Msg mercurykid007
2 34s looking for one more message for invite
Need one more to do flawless. Make sure your good. Msg mercurykid007
Need 2 34s to go 9-0 with. Have either thorn, red death, last word, or vex mytho and a 365 sniper or shotgun and have gone flawless before and be a very good sniper if possible a sniper with final round message for inv