[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Level 34 warlock looking for iron banner team my gt is the same XB1
Looking for people to do iron banner with. 34 with mics only Message: Jeffglen
[b][u]Iron Banner[/u][/b] Looking for player who experienced Level 34 Guardian's- five slot open I'm running with a 34 Hunter Bladedancer/Gunslinger [b][u]MESSAGE ME ON XBOX[/u][/b] Gamertag is [i][u]CubeMaster92[/u][/i]
Need 4 more for a 6man iron banner lv34 only gt same as name
Anyone want to pick up 34 Titan for ib maxed weapons mic
Doing nightfall must be lvl 33+ msg same gt for inv
Need 5 for ib 33+ need good guns gt same
Looking for a highly skilled team done playing with useless scrubs if you need a beast player inv me
34 Warlock with over 2000 control matches under my belt lf a group to run Iron Banner. Invite [b]Atomic Kiwi[/b]
Lf iron banner team gt Setest 34.hunter
Lf more for crota hard
Have 2 Need 4 Gt: GB GoodGamer
Edited by Jacksen: 6/4/2015 1:55:59 AMDoing iron banner. MSG DOME RipTide for an invite if you are a lvl with 34 3000+ grim.
34 Hunter with 1.5 K/D and good weapons. LF skilled Iron Banner Team
Edited by OcaZio: 6/4/2015 1:21:42 AMNeed 1 for iron banner 32+ gt:OcaZio message me on xbox also tell me what class you are
34 hunter Gamertag zeabart
Lvl 34 titan looking for a team for iron banner send me a msg?
Lf1m gunslinger and 2 more Titans with Crest of Alpha Lupi for unlimited super strategy.
Lf2m gunslinger hunters and 3 Titans with Crest of Alpha Lupi. I am a Titan with Crest of Alpha Lupi.
Need 3 for iron banner 32+ gt:OcaZio message me on XBOX for invite also tell me what class you are
Need 1 for hard vog confluxes, have an icebreaker and gjally, for templar oracles and atheon msg iByzo for inv
Lf2m gunslinger hunters and 3 more Crest of Alpha Lupi Titans for unlimited super strategy.
Looking for a level 34 for ToO
34 titan for ib
Need defender titan
Need 5 people for ib must be 34 and have good weapons and must have a mic. GT DeviousLighting