[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Lvl 34 titan looking for a team for iron banner send me a msg?
Need one for 28 Poe at round 2 msg GT for invite
Looking for a team for trials... though I would like to get a perfect score... send me message on Xbox 360 gamer tag Shadowscreech send friend request I have a mic but it echoes and needs new batterys
Lvl 34 titan looking for a team for iron banner send me a msg?
Need 5 more experienced 34s to go on winstreak in Iron Banner. GT same as above.
Lvl 34 lock looking for invite to ib. Void walker with vex and thorn new max.
34 warlock looking for a team msg gt above
Need 4 for iron banner must communicate and know what you are doing message me for inv
Putting a team together for iron banner. Need 4. Don't suck. 33+. Gamertag - deeps1000
Sud0F1nch Bladedancer Shotguns/sniper pistol 34 Need 6/team to join
Looking for a good team SEND me an inv Kalamiter 59
Need 4 more experienced 34s to go on winstreak in Iron Banner. GT same as above.
Need 4 more experienced 34s to go on winstreak in Iron Banner. GT same as above.
I need 3 good players for Iron banner Msg AirxJordanzz for inv
ATTENTION PVP PLAYERS! I am forming a 6-man PvP team for Iron Banner +32 only and have good weapons Please have skill and have mic Message me for invite gt same as above
2 good hunters for iron banner lookin g to join a team message me or invte
Experienced Lv. 34 Hunter looking to join a team.
Lvl 34 titan looking for a team for iron banner send me a msg?
need 3 for an iron banner team on x360, msg gt same as above for inv
Need 2 More For Iron Banner Message GT: jeweiner
Just looking for a few to play iron banner with Gt as above Use mic if possible Jus wanna play with some decent players instead of a bunch of randoms Need 2
need 3 for an iron banner team on x360, msg gt same as above for inv
Lvl 34 titan looking for a team for iron banner send me a msg?
[b][u]IRON BANNER ULTIMATE TEAM[/u][/b] Looking for players for Iron Banner: • Level 34 • Have the exotic "Eye of Osiris" emblem • Maxed Weapons (Thorn, Vex, Red Death, Etc.) If you meet the requirements and are interested, send me a message on Xbox! Thanks Guardians GT-- Laxr99
[b][u]IRON BANNER ULTIMATE TEAM[/u][/b] Looking for players for Iron Banner: • Level 34 • Have the exotic "Eye of Osiris" emblem • Maxed Weapons (Thorn, Vex, Red Death, Etc.) If you meet the requirements and are interested, send me a message on Xbox! Thanks Guardians GT-- Laxr99
We need 4 more for Iron Banner. Must be level 34 with good crucible experience. Please message DrElectriMayhem for invite.