[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Lvl 33 warlock lfg for trials. Gt same as above.
Need to be 34 and have gone flawless before have good weapons and be ready to win
Lvl 34 titan gt same as name trial of Osiris max weapons ran through 2 flawless already
Need one 34 for trials
Need 1 for trials of osiris Gt is same as name
Need 2 people to do trails of Osiris NEDD PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN FLAWLESS BEFORE. I AM CURRENTLY 5-0 Msg me on xbox360: DEX HypErr
VOG hard gatekeeper checkpoint. 30+ need 5 more. Message DBZ00096 for inv
Need 1 for trial of osiris-you must be level 34 Message MrsLoonyPenguin for invite
Need 34 for Trial of Osiris GT is TG Sleeks
Looking for a team so then I can get 5 wins to get the greaves for the hunter then I'll be 34
Lookin for one 34 who's been to lighthouse to go again hit me up in game for invite
Edited by Pickles: 6/1/2015 7:02:14 PMI could use 5 people for a crucible team message ProPickles IV
need one more for ToO. know what you're doing better or don't message. message for an invite
Looking to do nightfall need two msg @ROLLnSBD
34 Titan looking for a team GT APG ToxiiC
Lvl 34 Warlock sunsinger maxed thorn, death, vex already went 9-0 twice this week looking to join a team. If you haven't gone to the lighthouse this week or are srubs don't bother wasting my time.
Lv 34 warloc looking for skolas cp
Need two for trials must be expierienced and capable of flawless msg me same gt
Edited by Doopliss: 6/1/2015 6:38:02 PM360 Trials Im a 34 warlock, Wanna actually do good in it Ign MyInfiniteLight
Need 2 more to get last few rewards on trials, 33+, msg ZWRW for inv
Need one 34 who has gone flawless. Messge gt: cfhshred333
Edited by phantom ninja57: 6/1/2015 6:34:38 PMDoing trials message for invite gt ChiefPhantom616 Need one more
Doing Trials need GOOD COMMUNICATION, experienced players, 34s message DHG Voodoo TILT
Need 1 more for trials 34 that has been flawless gamertag above
Doing trials message for invite gt ChiefPhantom616
Just looking to do this no clue what it is except that it's 3v3 lvl 31 looking for group