[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Looking for two people to go flawless in trials. Be level 34 and be experienced, and have gone 9-0 before. Gt is same
33+ Hunter looking for trials. GT Schmolliolio
Lvl 33 titan gt same as name trial of Osiris max weapons ran through 2 flawless already
33 warlock looking to go flawless in trials. GT jolar98
Need 2 with a thorn maxed for trials and must have gotten flawless message superdude056 for inv
Edited by I Got Thorn: 6/1/2015 3:35:47 PMNeed 1 exp player for trials
At skolas Need 2 lvl 34s with good arc snipers gt same above message what class you too
need 2 for ToO 34 Only
Need 1 for trials flawless must be lvl 34 and experienced with mic message me on xbl
Need 2 with a thorn maxed for trials and must have gotten flawless message superdude056 for inv
Trials good level 34 hunter gt same as above. 365 thorn
Need 2 33 or 34 for Trials gt same
Lv 33 Titan, Red Death, 2.5+ PvP k/d Looking for 2 more ToO
Trials need 2 msg for inv gt same
I just need one person good at trials message superdude056 for inv
Need 2 with a thorn maxed and is 34 message superdude056 for inv
Need 1 for trials
Lvl 34 warlock looking for a good team for ToO. I've gone flawless countless times, and I have almost a 2 k/d ratio. Inv me if you want, gt same as above
Need 1 more for ToO 33+ Msg Vital Sont
Need one good experienced lvl 34 player for ToO that's gone 9-0 before. Gt is the same
ToO lvl 33+ Flawless Need 2 Gt:SUPERSP3NC3
34 Hunter All Weapons Maxed Primary Thorn .. 9-0 4 times im just bored wont have mic in but will do beast inv gt: Meteorite
I am a 34 sun singer that has been to the lighthouse. I'm looking for two good player to try and go flawless. You must have been to the lighthouse. You must be a 34. MSG AlbiNo Ant for invite.
Lvl 33 hunter looking for 2 for 32 prison of elders
Trials team maxed thorn GT the same lvl 33
Edited by NiteTrollerMC: 6/1/2015 2:21:49 PMNeed one more 34 for trials looking to do flawless so be experienced plz Gt: NiteTrollerMC