[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Lvl 34 looking for 2 more for FLAWLESS Trials. That means you must be 34 with PvP EXPERIENCE, have a Microphone, Thorn, and a sniper. MSG me on Xbox for an invite. GT: OMG iTzz BatmaN
oSoAudacious - XBOX 360. Flawless player looking for 9-0 team. Invite me. I AM NOT HOSTING.
Lvl 33 Warlock looking for a trial of osiris team. Pm in game gt Siruall
Need one for trials. Message SpooniestElk for inv
34 hunter maxed weapons doing Trials Need 2, 34+ only please must be experienced at crucible. Gt kila purpz 559
Need one for trials gt same as aboive
xRadke Lvl 33 Titan Trials of osiris Need 1
34Titan, new to Trials but have maxed Vex, maxed Thorn and maxed The Last Word. Gt same as name, I'd like to enter.
Lvl 34 went flawless last week. Looking for a team to do it this week gt SpooniestElk
Looking for one more lvl 34 for the Trials of Osiris Must be experienced with a mic. Gt: Social Vivify
Need a trials team I have no mike but can hear have maxed vex and am deadly with thorn and snipers I've gone 8-1 if u have space pls inv and pls be skilled Thx!!
Looking to see if anyone has a PoE level 35 scolas save they are looking to give away. Gt same as above.
Need 2 for trials 34 warlock gt same as above you have to be good at communicating and a experienced pvp player
I'mma 34 Titan w/mic with a lot of experience in trials looking for a flawless team GT same
Need one with a thorn maxed for trials and must have gotten flawless message superdude056 for inv
Need 34 message SaltyColt847443
need 1 33+ for ToO that has a mic and can communicate. gt is the same
Need a 34 Titan with gally for level 35 PoE, we are on round 4, message vVDemonRisingVv
Need 1 more for nightfall
34 hunter with max thorn looking for a team of 34s to Go flawless inv gt above
--------------------------------------------- • xbox 360 • 33 titan and partner is 31 Hunter • looking for one person atleast 32 or 31 if u have good guns ---------------------------------------------[/quote]
Hi all, I'm a level 34 hunter gunslinger. I have the best weapons for toO I have been flawless a few times looking to go flawless yet again, so I am looking for a very competitive team to take on the trials and rise to the top of the game. If you are good and have gone flawless either invite me to your team or send me a message and I'll invite you to mine. I will inspect your toon and if I like what I see I'll work with you, if I don't I will have to forfeit your position on my team and find someone who is suitable for the task at hand my gamertag is quic redemption how to see y'all soon.
2 34s for trials message tgamzoner105 for inv
Must be 33 and up msg peacekillerzk49 pls have max weapons
Doing trials of Osiris. Need a lvl 34 with a kd of 2+. MSG DOME RipTide for an invite