[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Looking for warlock with thorn for trials lv 33+
Need 1 more for ToO. Be Lvl33. First time run is ok
Looking for one person to run with me and my friend tomorrow. We're both decent pvpers, been playing since the early Halo days. And really want to give trials a shot. We want to play with someone whose mature, patient and won't flip out over tiny mistakes. Plus my friend is very cautious with who she plays with, so please if you offer to help don't give her grief please. We're both in our 20s, and chill. So if anyone is willing, just reply here. Thanks. Tl;Dr : me and my friend want to play trials tomorrow, looking for mature, patient, chill person to help. I'm 29, she's 24.
Need 2 more for trials Trying to go flawless Must have gone flawless or at least close And need good weapons Message me for invite Gt: Drink Aquafina
Looking for good ToO team
Edited by RJMJsmat: 5/31/2015 11:11:25 PMLooking for a team to go 9-0 with I am a 34 Titan Need 2 Must be 34+ Be good with shotguns and snipers GT:RJMJsmat
34 warlock w thorn n g horn for trials of spirits.
- Qodron Checkpoint - 34+ - Maxed Gjallarhorn Required - Mic Required - Gt same as above - Experience - No Assholes. - Don't Suck. - Message Me In Game on Xbox 360 - Need few more Join Up!
Lvl 33 titan gt same as name trial of Osiris max weapons ran through 2 flawless already
Need a team for trials I'm a lvl 33 warlock and I'm very experienced
Looking for 2 level 34s to go flawless with trials Gt multigamer11 Must be very experienced
I need two more 34+ people to run ToO. Must have been to lighthouse. Gt: Nathanual
Need 2 34 for ToO
I'm a lvl 33 warlock I'm very experienced need a team for trials
Looking for warlock with thorn for trials lv 33+
Lvl 33 titan gt same as name trial of Osiris max weapons ran through 2 flawless already
Need one 33+ to help carry my friend through trials Gt: UpbeatRain1
Looking for two more trials. Message me. Im lvl 33 hunter gunslinger. Gt same name
Looking for 2 level 34s to go flawless with trials Gt multigamer11 Must be very experienced
Trials need one or two warlocks if I can't get that then one warlock one titan message to join gt same as abovr
Looking for a team to join for ToO. I'm a level 33 hunter with a maxed thorn. Message my GT: X Blitz fire X
Trials of Osiris Level 34+ Must have good weapons Need Experience Message me on Xbox Live for invite GT same as above
Need 2 level 34s for trials of Osiris, or inv, hunter, vex and both subclasses maxed
Need one more 34, must be flawless. MSG my name.
Need one for trials gametag krazykiid98