[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Looking for two 34s with Trials experience to go flawless. MUST have mic and be good players that listen and communicate. Preferably who have won 9-0 before. 34 warlock Sunsingers are esspecially welcome. Even more so if you have Thorn max or near max. (All upgrades unlocked) Msg here or GT: HighbrowEarth2.
Need 1 more for flawless attempt Must have gone flawlessly before 34+ Message if interested
Need 2 for trials 33+
33 warlock looking for two more for trials. GT jolar98
Need 1 for trails message thunderexia on xbox
Need a team to carry me through trails of Osiris to get to the lighthouse message me for invite must have already made it there
Need one for trials lv33+
Need lvl 34 Titan with weapons of light and gally for lvl 34 PoE final boss qodron...gt is ButtaUno
Lvl 33 hunter looking for trials Allready did 9_1 on my titan Im very experienced and i have all the good primary and such 33+ Please have a mic
Need 1 34 player with thorn and good special weapon preferably hunters with exp and communications to go flawless 9-0 message me gt same as name for inv
Need two 33+ for trials Have very good weapons Good experience Trying to go flawless again Gt same as above
Trails of Osiris Xbox 360, need mic and must be lvl 33+, trying to go to lighthouse for the 4th time, invite my friend at IM d0ne21
Looking for a trials team to do flawlessly Im a lvl 34 hunter (gunslinger) with thorn I want a good team, please message me if you are that team Gt:Gumbizzle2015 (I have done flawless before)
Need 2 For A Flawless Run GT: Wordplay af ( I Know A Glitch For Trials)
Need 2 for trials msg for inv.
Need a team of 34s with good weapons and experience for flawless message get above for invite
Need people that have experience in the trials of Osiris Lvl 33 Titan vex or thorn message for invite
Need one more 33 or 34 with grimmer score higher than 3200 going for my final flawless victory msg champion iv for inv
Lvl 34 with maxed thorn and 1.4 trials kd. Message above gt to join must have mic
I'm a lvl 33 with thorn and vex looking for a team to at least get a gold package
Looking for really good trials team to get 5 wins
Need two for trials trying to go flawless I'm a lv33 warlock
Looking for warlock with thorn for trials lv 33+
Lv32 looking for a team add me xbignate93x
Need 1 for 32 Prison, at round 3 message me for an invite, Gt is same as above