[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Need 2 flawless players. 34's Message for invite. GT is same. 34 -Warlock - Max Thorn,Vex,Pocket,Ghorn
Need 2 34's with 365 thorn, also have to have a 365 sniper and you need to be good with it I'm going flawless Level 34 only!!!
Need two for ToO just be 33+ msg patar30 for inv
Need 1 more 34 - Message for invite
Want to go flawless in too, gt same need two warlocks
Trials. 33+. Be good. Msg
[b]Building a pro ToO team![/b] Requirements: -Level 34 -Have mic -Have the eye of Osiris exotic emblem (have gone 9-0 before) Trying to dominate the trials for fun, message me on xbox if you meet the reqs! GT: Laxr99
Lvl 33 titan looking for ToO . Got 365 multi tool and icebreaker. Experienced player gt critchris
need 2 for 35 poe msg for inv gt same ON FINAL ROUND
Need a team of 34s with good weapons and experience for flawless message get above for invite
️Level 33 1/2 hunter. I can carry my own weight. And I need a serious team to go 9-0 with. Gt: same as above
Looking for 2 more 34s with Thorn, a mic and PVP EXPERIENCE for Trials. Msg on Xbox for invite. GT: OMG iTzz BatmaN
doing Trials of osiris I got flawless last week and I want to do it again need 2 experienced lvl 34 or maybe 33 if you have good enough wepons im a 34 hunter with max thorn and efrideets spear message for inv
Need 1 34 for toO must have shotgun and warlock be good at Pvp we are going to try to go 9-0 xb1
Need 1 34 for trials be good msg Ohh Sammyy
Need 1 more for trials message KSIxDevilFishx for inv
Need 1 for flawless ToO. Must have thorn or vex or honestly whatever you do your best with. Warlock preferred. Message Electionz for invite
33 titan with maxed thorn looking for 2 guys to go into trials with message for invite
LVL 33 HUNTER LOOKING FOR TRIALS GROUP (Will not respond to forums)
Lvl 34 warlock looking for trials group of 34s for 360 GT: Hobo242
Lvl 34 Titan looking to join a team for trials, have gone flawless 5x before, msg me in game GT is same as above
Hosting trails of osiris and you have to be 33+ and have a thorn,vex,or another op exotic primary to join looking to do good but probably not flawless and you have to have Mic
Trials of Osiris need 2 very good 34's that have been to lighthouse
I am a level 34 Warlock who has gone flawless 3 times that is looking for a trials group. Must have gone flawless previously and must be level 34. Warlocks preferred. Message me at merlinn18.
I am looking for 2 33+ for trials of Osiris gt is silent murder24
Trials of Osiris Flawless Group Requirements: 33+ Have maxed out weapon(s) and subclasses Have mic Have experience Message: Snapper4302 for invite