[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Need 2 for the 32 Poe. Gamertag is same. Have to be 32 atleast.
Need one more 33+ for trials msg rokco17
33 Warlock experienced need invite or msg for invite mic not working but I can listen
Level 33 Titan with thorn vex truth and last word Need 5 wins to be 34 ft is same
need 2 for trials 32+
Lvl 34 hunter trying to go flawless before trials ends need good team gt LuCkYbydEsI9N
Lvl 33 titan looking for ToO . got several 365 weapons. Experienced player gt critchris
Edited by DEDUBLASTER: 5/31/2015 2:03:54 PMDoing nf one needed
Two level 34s looking to go flawless. Need one more message GT above for invite
Inv DisguisedRobin6 Lvl 33 hunter
Need 1 More person.. Must be Level 34 I recently lost from a 8 win streak and I'm going for a flawless win. RULES: MUST HAVE MIC MUST BE LEVEL 34 MAXED OUT ARMOR MAXED OUT GOOD EXOTIC WEAPON I need 3 more wins for a flawless run You have to be experienced MESSAGE ME IN XBOX 360: Wazeyv2
Need a team for trails experienced preferred if not I'll carry gt: same as name
34 warlock looking for two people to go flawless with in the trials, I've been to the lighthouse 3 times so I'm trying to go again. be a good trials player, be 34, and you have to have gone FLAWLESS before. If you aren't good you get booted. Srry but you have to be good.(btw this is on 360 if you didn't know.)
Need players to help me get flawless I almost got there before then lost :( PLEASE ONLY PLAYERS THAT HAVE DONE FLAWLESS BEFORE MSG nuke the wales2 on Xbox 360
Level 34 Hunter -Max Thorn, Vex, Last Word -Went flawless last week Only looking for the best to go flawless with Need 2 lvl 34's with mics, preferably having experience going flawless as well. Message me on Xbox - gt: Laxr99
Inv DisguisedRobin6 1 win away from flawless yesterday,
Need 2 for trials message kevcg12 for invite
ToO Must b 34 Must b good player Must b expierienced Must have good guns Gt^ for inv
Need one more person for poe lvl 34 must be 33+ gt same as above
Trials need 2 34 please going for flawless so far 7-0 msg for inv gt same
34 Hunter need 2 must have mics
Looking for one person for trials that has gone to lighthouse msg TNT Sourcerer
Trials need 2 34 please going for flawless so far 7-0 msg for inv gt same
Need one for tails. Message me jabrony14
Looking for experienced players for Trials. Must be lvl 33 or 34. Message me for invite. Gt same as above.
Inv DisguisedRobin6 Need two more wins for flawless