[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
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[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
2 34s have gone 9-0 looking for a 34 that has gone 9-0 for 3rd. Msg me for inv Reply Start Related Topic Edit
Need 1 for OSIRIS GOOD GUNS THORN , last word , vex ...
Need 1 34 for trials(preferably with experience).
34 lock and 34 hunter looking for one more for trials, 33+, mic required
Level 33 Warlock Need two 33+ for Trails of Osiris Xbox 360 Message me for invite GT: MLPFrosty
Trails need 2 more lvl 34 must be good message All Star Q if your in going for flawless.
We need one more 34 me and my friend both have gone Flawless. We both have experience, please be experienced. (Sorry for sounding like a douche) lv 34 message me at FireBlazingWolf.
Need one 33+ trials
2 34s have gone 9-0 looking for a 34 that has gone 9-0 for 3rd. Msg me for inv
Need 1 for trials flawless must be lvl 34 and experienced with mic
Looking for highly skilled crucible player. Must be 34. Must have mic. Trying for flawless.
I am a level 34 golden gun hunter that went 9-0 last week. I'm looking for a team of full 34s that have went 9-0 before. Inv: darkwarrior0507
Looking to do trials! I'm a Blade Dancer Hunter Lvl 33 with Max Thorn (Hand Cannon) Hard Luck Charm (Shotgun) Ash Factory (Rocket Launcher) Must be lvl 33+ I'm looking to do 9-0 so u MUST BE A GOOD PLAYER I will not be using boons so it's 9 straight games no leaving early U MUST BE ABLE TO CALL OUT KEY THINGS such as we're the enemy is at and if there on their body or not. Send my GT above a msg for invite
Hunter LvL 34 with Thorn, Last Word, Good Sniper and Shotgun, Went 9-0 last week, real good LMG. I'm very competitive. Inv: Mrs Dusty
Need 4 titans with bubbles that have blessings of light ( chest of alpha lupi-optional) for crusible cheese. Gt above
34 warlock with thorn and other guns Looking for a team to do all nine games with and possibly go flawless Gt is same as name above
Need one for ToO be 34 skilled,experience,and good weapons must have been to lighthouse before so we can go flawless gt same as above
Need 2 for trials of Osiris
TOO 2 need 34 any class msg me for invite (TOO trials of Osiris)
Lvl 32 Titan Max thorn looking for a team please. It's my first time but wanting to try! Gt same as name
Looking for two to do trials you have to be level 34 and only play trials of you have not play trials and you have not got 9-0 you can't join. Message me GT: Attack Riley
Need 1 34 warlock please be skilled and have been to the light house before
Need one more player for Trials of Osiris 34 good weapons must know what you are doing trying to go flawless have working mic message MrOBEY1 for invite LETS KICK SOME ASS
Lv 33 warlock with self res. looking to go flawless. I have maxed thorn efrideets and hunger. Inv or join me. I have played trials before and have gotten as far as 9-2.
Looking for 1 level 34 for trials who is very experienced with trials to get flawless. I'm am a sunsinger level 34. Message for invite.
Need one for trials of osirjs