[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Need one for trials of osirjs
Need one 34 whos been to lighthouse
Need 1 experienced player for ToO !message for imv
Edited by Mysterion3571: 5/31/2015 2:45:05 AMLvl 33 titan. Could someone that knows what they are doing please invite me. I only want 3 more wins to get the boots. Gt Jordan54729
Need help pls
Need 2 34s for trials of Osiris. Going flawless So Must be experienced and have good weapons. Gt same as Name.
Edited by k1ll3r xtreme: 5/31/2015 2:49:53 AMNeed 1 Lvl 34 for trials. Gt same as above be experienced.
Need 2 more for ToO msg chief8901 for an invite ( must have gone flawless and have the emblem) 34+
Need one 34 Titan maxed ark sniper must have helm of saint 14 for 35 PoE
Need 2 more for ToO msg chief8901 for an invite ( must have gone flawless and have the emblem) 34+
Need 2 34s, don't need to go flawless just want a good number of wins. Gt is same as above
Need 1 for trials. Send msg to fv supreme14
Looking for a skilled 34 warlock Please have experience we are trying to go to lighthouse If you think you have what it takes mssg me for an invite
Edited by goodvibes546: 5/31/2015 2:31:32 AMNeed 1 more person for ToO. Message for invite. Xbox 360
Need one for trials msg rokco17
Looking for two level 34 who can help me with flawless I want to get there so be good cx get is same as above
Trials I am trying to go 9-0 only join if your good at it and if your level 34. Join only if you can win message GT: Attack Riley
Okay so I'm 8-0 right now and I need 2 more players to help me thru! Please have gone flawless before.
Trails need 2 more lvl 34 must be good message All Star Q if your in going for flawless.
Level 34 warlock looking to try trials for the first time. Can be either subclass. Gt same as above.
Hello. I need one more level 34. I am a level 34 sunsinger with upgraded visions. Max gally. And max thorn. Along with adept jewel of osiris. My friend is lvl 34 hunter and we need one more person who is patient and willing to dashboard if we are pitted against a team who looks to beat us. My gt is MOSSxR34P3R
lvl 34 hunter looking for solid team with good communication GT:d0ckh0liday09
I need two lvl 34 for trials that are very good plays I'm looking to go 9-0
I need two lvl 34 for trials that are very good plays I'm looking to go 9-0
Need 2 people for trials of Osiris Lvl 32+
Need good team for flawless trials of osris 34 hunter inv me