[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Anyone want to be carried through Crota Norm? Reply with ur gt for invite!
Need 2 34's for trials of osiris. Just have Mic and experience. Looking to go flawless. Msg for inv
Edited by Smoke: 5/30/2015 6:37:04 PMLooking for one more 34 for trials on 360 message gt: Mr Krankmas
Looking for 2 for trials. 33+ msg for inv. Gt same as above
Need good 34players for trials mssg me on xbox pref lock and thorn
Need 2 for too 33+ have good exotics message for invite
Trials of Osiris FLAWLESS WIN Looking For Experience Players In The Crucible. I am a lvl34 Hunter maxed and I am looking for lvl32+ must be good ( No Time Wasters ) Xbox 360 GT: DMG Younisy
need one more experienced 34 for trials
Need 1 34 for trials. If you're bad and you know it, don't message me. Also, if you're a little boy who sounds like a female, also don't message me.
Need 1 more person for ToO we are looking for flawless
Trials of Orsris (xbox360) I am a 34 hunter looking for : 34 Titan/Warlock and should have gone 9-0 before and must have good weapons and a positive KD. Sniping skills will be useful Msg:TheShadowHazard For a invite (state your class) Thanks in advance
Looking for 1 to do ToO and try to go to the light house 32+ Must be experienced with mic Must have good weapons
Need 2 for Trials of Osiris. Message Somethin9clever if interested.
Lvl 33 titan. Just looking to get 5 wins. Please invite. Gt Jordan54729
Need one more for trials. Lvl 34. Preferably warlock. Going flawless again. Message for invite
Looking for skolas cp34 Titan with all maxed weapons inv same name
Need 1 more level 34 for trials
looking for a group of all 34s for trials . experienced with mic and maxed weapons. I am a 34 Titan with maxed last word and thorn. gt same as name
Need 1 34 must have maxed weapons or nearly maxed gt jellybeanmm in message tell weapons you will use and level of damage
Level 34 hunter looking for trials team (level 33+). Message me in-game for invite, GT same as above.
Need 2 lvl 34 people for Trials, plz have max weapons and be good msg iByzo for inv
I'm a level 34 looking to join trials I have a 2.40 kd in trials and went to the lighthouse three times so message me gt same as above I Also have a mic
Trials of Orsris (xbox360) I am a 34 hunter looking for : 34 Titan/Warlock and should have gone 9-0 before and must have good weapons and a positive KD. Sniping skills will be useful Msg:TheShadowHazard For a invite (state your class) Thanks in advance
need 2 34s for trials of Osiris going flawless must have a mic, be good and have experience and have good maxed weapons msg my gt which is username for invite
34 hunter looking for trials team. Went flawless twice already so hit me up, gt: Purple Venomzz
Level 34 hunter looking for trials team (level 33+). Message me in-game for invite, GT same as above.