[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Need 2 34s for trials for flawless 9-0 plz be experienced and have good weapons Msg Temioh for an invite
34 Titan, looking to do toO. Gt same as above
Looking for 1 33+, don't suck that's the only rule. GT above Message for inv
Need 1 for too msg me Bradda Ben
Looking for one more for trials. lvl 33 and up. must be good at pvp and have a positive ratio. i will check stats before i add you
Need 2 for trials 33+ for flawless 9-0 plz be experienced
Looking for two people for trials of Osiris level 33+ please message rm4204life just trying to have fun and get the armor more if it happens
Need 1 34 for trials of Osiris with experience and a mic. Message gamer tag above for an invite
Need 2 34 highly skilled for TOO !!! Gt as above !!!
Need 1 with experience trying for lighthouse
Level 34 warlock Sunsinger with lastword looking for two lvl 34s who have gone flawless before that are good gt: AuronOne this is a flawless run atempt MUST NOT BE A QUITTER OR A BOOTER
Need two none pussys to come join me on trials. Msg thederpywulf for inv.
Need 1 for too msg me Bradda Ben
Lf 1beast trial of Osiris player for flawless run I'll be checking kdr, msg gt same as name or on app
Need two for trials. Just need to get 8 wins. Message for invite gt: TheDerpyWulf
Edited by XsceL: 5/30/2015 2:10:32 AMNeed 1 More person.. Must be Level 34 We are currently in a 6 streak no losses yet. RULES: MUST HAVE MIC MUST BE LEVEL 34 MAXED OUT ARMOR MAXED OUT GOOD EXOTIC WEAPONS MESSAGE ME IN XBOX LIVE: Wazeyv2
33 warlock with good guns looking to get some kick-ass rewards with a good team. Invite gt above if interested
Looking for 2 more expirienced players to go flawless in trials msg for inv gt same as above
Lvl 34 Titan looking for lvl 35 prison of elders inv me or join me gt same as above
[quote][i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b] keep it simple guardians [b]Simple Template[/b] --------------------------------------------- • your console • your lvl • lvl players your looking for • Average KD your looking for(optional) ---------------------------------------------[/quote] Looking for two in trials. Lvl 34 titan some experience. Gt niljones for invite.
Looking for trials team, 34 titan somewhat new but still has common sense and will listen to leader
Edited by BRAVEAMERICAN: 5/30/2015 2:03:06 AMNeed 2 lv 34's to help carry me. I'm lv 34 but can't get very far without Good teams. Gt is same. I want to go to the lighthouse
I need 1 lvl 34 for Trials msg me Gt is AKOG x CHAOS
Level 34 Hunter looking for an experienced team to go flawless with. Please message me for an invite or invite me to do it.
35 POE fresh. Need max patience and time and an arc heavy.
Need one more trials 2 34's need one more 34 with maxed weapons and isn't gonna waste our time. Message on Xbox gt spid3yrocks07