[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Need one more trials 2 34's need one more 34 with maxed weapons and isn't gonna waste our time. Message on Xbox gt spid3yrocks07
Trails need 2 more lvl 34 must be good message All Star Q if your in.
Need a 2 34 can hold their own. Max guns. Went 9-0 before. Great connection. No shit connection. Above all else. Has common sense and is not a -blam!-ing idiot. GT Princess Vers. No mic required just do your thing. Only morons need a call out to know what's going on.
Looking for 34 warlock for trials message Littleman8000
Need lvl 33+ gt srkillzalot73 msg for invite
Need 2 33+ perfferd need to be expirenced for prison of elders 32 message for invite
Trying to go FLAWLESS for trials of Osiris. Experienced players only. Message for invite
Need 2 people with the exotic emblem and must be good Message superdude056 for inv This is for trials of Osiris
Need 1 34 for trials better be good message for invite
Trials of Osiris need one more lv 33+
Need a guy to help me and my friend go flawless PLEASE!!! We are both 34 and have thorn and really wanna go to Mercury!! We aren't bad but we aren't great!!! PLEASE HELP!!! GT: UnicornWarriorr
Need one for trials. Must be level 34 and know what they are doing.
Need a guy to help me and my friend go flawless PLEASE!!! We are both 34 and have thorn and really wanna go to Mercury!! We aren't bad but we aren't great!!! PLEASE HELP!!! GT: UnicornWarriorr
Level 34 warlock Sunsinger with lastword looking for two lvl 34s who have gone flawless before that are good gt: AuronOne this is a flawless run atempt MUST NOT BE A QUITTER OR A BOOTER
Looking for 2 people for ToO 33 and up please have experience on the map my gt is MrGiggles2788 and i do not have a mic that works
Looking for a good team for ToO message in fame for invite 33+
Need a 34 can hold their own. Max guns. Went 9-0 before. Great connection. No shit connection. Above all else. Has common sense and is not a -blam!-ing idiot. GT Princess Vers. No mic required just for your thing. Only morons need a call out to know what's going on.
Looking for two people for trials of Osiris level 33+ please message rm4204life just trying to have fun and get the armor more if it happens
34 titan looking to do the 35 arena i maxed out my pat GT is above
9-0 Run Need 1 Must B Ah Beast Msg For Invite
35 POE fresh. Need max patience and time and an arc machine gun.
I need help I'm struggling to get 5 wins for the leg armour is there 2 pro pvp players that can carry me to 5 wins please invite me gt Daveyg04 I'm a 34 warlock btw
Need a 34 can hold their own. Max guns. Went 9-0 before. Great connection. No shit connection. Above all else. Has common sense and is not a -blam!-ing idiot. GT Princess Vers. No mic required just for your thing. Only morons need a call out to know what's going on.
Need a guy to help me and my friend go flawless PLEASE!!! We are both 34 and have thorn and really wanna go to Mercury!! We aren't bad but we aren't great!!! PLEASE HELP!!! GT: UnicornWarriorr
Edited by Lildanny427: 5/30/2015 1:07:22 AMneed 1 more for ToO, must be 34, we are trying to flawless
Looking for players I'm 33 warlock almost maxed vex. Need some wins gt same as above