[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Looking for players I'm 33 warlock almost maxed vex. Need some wins gt same as above
Need 1 for trails must be good message for invit my kd is 2
34 Hunter Looking to do Flawless. Please invite me or send me a message for invite.
Need a 34 can hold their own. Max guns. Went 9-0 before. Great connection. No shit connection. Above all else. Has common sense and is not a -blam!-ing idiot. GT Princess Vers. No mic required just for your thing. Only morons need a call out to know what's going on.
lvl 34 warlock, self rez, thorn, op shotgun, 365 corrective measure, msg me
[quote]Need 2 33+ for ToO Msg for inv gt same as top[/quote]
Edited by Lildanny427: 5/30/2015 1:04:21 AM
Lf highly skilled player for trial of Osiris flawless run msg me gt same as name or on the app no bs ill be checking your kdr
Trials of Osiris lvl 31+ Msg Avox27
Looking for two people for trials of Osiris level 33+ please message rm4204life just trying to have fun and get the armor more if it happens
Need one who has gone flawless before and was not carried to get flawless message for invite gt same as above
Need 2 experienced players just went 4-0 in trials 33+ must have mic talk and be good going for 9 wins GT : OoBa S0UNDW4V3
Need 1 33+ for 32 PoE message superdude056 for inv
Need 1 33+ for 32 PoE message superdude056 for inv
Need a 34 can hold their own. Max guns. Went 9-0 before. Great connection. No shit connection. Above all else. Has common sense and is not a -blam!-ing idiot. GT Princess Vers
Need one very good player!
Xbox 360 Lvl 34 Lvl 33 to looking for a group for ToO. Teo open spaces, message my username.
Need 1 33+ for trials
Need one more lvl 34 for ToO , msg my name (Trying to go flawless again)
Need 2 god players ( one more win for flawless )
34 Titan with thorn (have mark of devourerer) looking to GET carried flawless please help!!! GT: UnicornWarriorr
Edited by BRAVEAMERICAN: 5/30/2015 12:41:43 AMLv 34 hunter looking for 2 Lv 34's with experience, at least 1 who can help carry the team. Have good guns. Gt is same LOOKING TO GO FLAWLESS
Need 1 more 33+ for flawless trials
34 Hunter with thorn, last word and mythoclast, looking to go flawless...gt Biggie Smaller
Vog hard need good players
Doing Poe 34 need 2 lvl 34 with experience msg KING Fuis0N for inv