[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Level 33 hunter with OP weapons to win no matter what... Looking for great group who doesn't hold back and you MUST have good weapons... GT: Kutthroat VII Message for an INV or INV me...
Wanting to join a team I'm a level 34 hunter wanting to join a team of 34 that know what their doing Msg LostTheC4
Me and a friend are looking for one more to run trials with right now. Mic or not we just need one more anyone is welcome. Gt: charbonasty
34 warlock need a trials team to go flawless invite me gt above
Looking to do trials. Need 1 lvl 34 with experience and good weapons(thorn/vex/red death/good weapons. Msg:JSpag24601 on xbox 360
lvl 34 Titan looking for team -must be 34 -have a good 365 primary -be good at crucible -try to go 9-0 first try msg me for invite
Warlock-34 hunter- 34 Titan-34 GT- Skywalkuh I am very good got 5 flawless you must be very good as well if not I leave looking for 2 players. Xbox one only
Edited by the uggles: 5/29/2015 7:53:31 PMLevel 34 blade dancer w max last word Send me an invite, gt the uggles
level 33 Titan Looking for a team. invite me gt Solargeo.
Going for flawless need one more 34 with grimmer score over 3200 and gotten flawless victory before msg champion iv for inv
Edited by dillon48: 5/29/2015 7:52:17 PMWarlock-34 hunter- 34 Titan-34 GT- Skywalkuh I am very good got 5 flawless you must be very good as well if not I leave. Xbox one only
Lvl 34 titan looking to join team for flawless run
lvl 33 Warlock (Voidwalker) mic enabled, experienced LFG flawless fireteam
Need two people for Trials of Osiris. GT is Seedes.
Need 2 34s for Trials gt is xx iFrenzyy need to be and experienced pvper
Need 2 good PvP player only lvl 34 with 365 weapons need mic and call outs
34 Hunter looking for a good trials of Osiris team invite ki11shot14
Need 34's, flawlessed trials last week. Need one more, please be at least a decent player. Message on console for invite
Need 1 more for trials must be experienced
Need 1 for ToO. Must be lvl 34 and have a mic. Gt merc search god.
34 warlock looking for good experienced guardians to go 9-0 in me GT above
Need one more come quick for trials message the gt above for inv!!!
Need one for ToO. Looking for lv 34 with at least 1.0 k/d
Need 1 more for ToO, joining 2 34's my gt is the same as my username
Need one for trials msg In game gt is same as name