[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Need 2 level 34
Need 2 level 34 a titan and a warlock
Need 1 for trials msg Beholdenterror7 for inv
Need one 34 that wants to go flawless Msg gt: Artic Proxy
Need one for trials. 33+ Titan or hunter with good weapons and experience. Message PaulyB1273 for inv
Looking For 2 Level 34's that no what they are doing to play trials of osiris. My Gamertag is the same as above. Message me for invite
Need one more for trials of Osiris. Gamertag is same.
Need 2 for trials msg ellio231 33+
I need 2 for Trials of Osiris. Not looking for flawless, just some decent rewards. Minimum of level 32, message the same gamertag above for an invite!
Lvl 33 warlock looking for a Too team Gt same as above
Looking for one for trials must be good and decent at crucible msg for inv gt above must be 34
Need 2 34s that are skilled and have good guns and a warlock sunsinger would be nice
Need 2 for trials of Osiris Message me on xbox Gt is same
Edited by gogo3378: 5/29/2015 6:56:46 PM34 hunter looking for two more 34's for trials, gt same as above
34 warlock looking for trials of Osiris team. Gamertag is same.
Need 2 for Trials must be lvl 34 and at least of gone 9-1 W/L before msg for inv
Need one more for ToO, msg me for inv GT: xPAINTxBALLx
34 warlock sun singer lf fireteam who know what they're doing
Need 2 for trials, message same gt for invite
33 titan with max thorn. Looking for others, level doesn't matter much at this point. Gt same.
- lvl 34 titan with well levelled gear (365 thorn/red death) looking for semi-pro team to (hopefully) go flawless - i have lots of experience in the crucible - lvl 34s please message Peppepower909
We need ONE level 34 for trials! YOU MUST HAVE A THORN OR A VEX. Message Goldwin on 360 for an inv and YOU MUST HAVE A MIC
Looking for people to go flawless must be 34 msg GT for a invite
Lvl 33 titan Looking for a trials team to join Msg me gt same as above
Need one fr too
Need one 34 for trials of Osiris GT is same as above