[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Xbox 360 Level 33 Warlock Looking for level 33+ with above 1.5 average kd and max weapons for ToO I average a 1.74 kd all around and a 2.24 kd in Skirmish
Need 2 for thorn bouny Xyor please help msg rednitemare99 for inv
Need 1 for the forever eater just have a ghorn msg Dangertacoman
Need two for trials, at least level 33, must be serious. Message me on xbox, GT same as above.
[b]Prison of Elders[/b] 34 Raid 33+ Message ShawOTP for invite [b]<3[/b]
Prison of Elders 34. Level 33+. Preferably with GJALLARHORN. MSG Krazyfern03.
Looking for Guardians to join me for some random bounty fun! I have completed a few already but I am looking for people to finish the rest with and possibly go on to do the Daily/ Weekly/ NF or anything new from HoW. Hit me up on the 360 my tag is the same as my name.
Lvl 34 Hunter looking for group to run Trials with. Message gt: Ozzzmozes if interested.
Poe34 gt same
Looking for lvl 34s to run trials with I would like to go flawless gt same as above msg me if you are looking same as I am
32 Sucky Voidwalker looking for a team for Osiris.. Not looking for the best just want a decent talkative group not looking to win (would be nice) but even the losers get rewards so don't matter to me. MSG: Major QTPIE
need 2 33 +
If ur on that competitive lvl and trying to take heads on trails hmu msg the GT^ ( 1 spot open ) -we only accept serious player- *mic required lvl 33+
Gt: duckcommandar No 1 Looking to go flawless in trials only 34s with maxed thorn invite or message
If ur on that competitive lvl and trying to take heads on trails hmu msg the GT^ ( 1 spot open ) -we only accept serious player- *mic required lvl 33+
Who still needs help with trials? Inv Depredasion
34 Warlock looking for good pvp players to do Trials of Osiris. 34's only please, need 2 more msg or inv Sojhua.
Lvl 33 warlock looking for team to get me the chest plate or flawless. Maxed weapons, vex, thorn, gt same as above send inv.
Need two for 34 PoE. Gjallarhorn would be nice. 33+. Gt above.
Level 32 hunter Gt: ogdano send me an invite on x360 Looking to help anyone out
I need 2 lvl 33+ for trial of Osiris must be good and experienced in crucible and must have at leat went 9-0 message gt above for invite
Looking for Trials team to help me through. 33 Titan. 33+ preferred. Message in game for invite.
Need a team must have a 1.0 kd or higher.
Need one 34 player for ToO! Gt same as above