[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Looking for someone to invite me for trials or Osiris . I'm really competitive and good at PVP please invite me at xCo0cHiKillAx if you serious about winning 🙏 All Level 32 or above GREAT weapons + armor for PVP Honestly I'll do whatever yah doing !!!!!!!!
Need one for ToO Lvl 33+ Xbox 360 GT: Poozin
Lvl 34 hunter lfg lvl 33+ Must have Mic, Msg my gt for inv
Need one 34 player for ToO! Gt same as above
Level 32 warlock looking for trials team with experience that can hold their own. Send me an invite
Need a 34 for trials going for flawless would be helpful if you've gone flawless or 9-1 before thanks must have mic gt above message for inv
Lv 33 hunter looking to do trial(have no mic)
Going for flawless. I have a max Thorn. GT: xReckreationalx
Need 1 for trials must be good and know what to do
34 warlock looking to go for 9-0 or as high as I can at least......looking for 2 ppl who have already done it and are willing to help me get there too. Msg me in game of your interested Preferably 33+
Lv 33 hunter looking to do trial(have no mic)
Need a great level 34 crucible player with trials experience going for flawless guys
I need 2 people for the lvl 34 Poe msg me my GT is AKOG x CHAOS
Level 34 Titan and hunter lookin for a level 34 for flawless trials a warlock self res would be beneficial gt above message for inv must be 34 though
Need 1 for trials of Osiris Msg iPenquinz 33+ Must be experienced. A
I'm a 33 hunter looking for a team of 34z who would like to join me Plz be experienced. Gt same as above
Hosting nightfall must be +33 or higher and have good arc weapons, I would like a sunsinger warlock to join
Need 1 for trials gt sane as above
Need one for ToO, Me and friend are trying to go 9-0 get same as above.
I'm looking to get a flawless Trials run in before the reset. Xbox 360. Message me on live with your level and if you've made it to the Lighthouse, mention that as well. My gamer tag is fishmonkey21.
33 Titan. Looking to join 34s for a flawless run on Trials. Preferably people who have been flawless but will join any skilled 34s. Please message me if interested; gt same as name.
Need 1good 34 crucible player to go flawless with gt above message for inv
Need a 34 for trials going flawless message for invite
LF1M 33-34 need mic and experienced player message for invite GT same
I'm losing hope in the trials I want to get to the lighthouse PLEASE help me somebody I cannot stress this enough be EXPERIENCED your help will be appreciated
Need 1 34 for ToO msg for invite