[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Need 1 for flawless 34 only
Need 2 for osiris
Don't know if there is anyone here who plays on Xbox One but we're looking for one more person. We've already lost once so this is not a flawless run Looking for anyone who wants to play!
I've been looking for teams all day, but to no avail. I've burned through 10 passages now, and every one has ended in bitter disappointment. In a cry of desperation I ask the flawless players, the incorruptible champions of the Trials of Osiris, to help me achieve my noble ends. I am not asking to be carried, though it may be interpreted that way. I want to learn, I want to have fun, and I want to win. If you want to help a poor guardian before he goes insane, send a message to mmthelatavatar.
Need 2 people for fresh lighthouse run 33plus
I would appreciate someone who has gone flawless before to help me and my friend out. We are pretty good and have a current record of 7-0. Just need 1 level 34. Message for invite. GT same as above.
Need two who have gone flawless before and wouldn't mind helping me out. I'm not totally useless but having two good teammates would be nice message me in game at samg2211
Need one 33 or 34 warlock(will take any) that's knows what there doing and has a mic gt as same
Need one more for trials 33+ mic good at pvp message for invite
Need two for trials of Osiris message me on live GT cmajor31
Need 1 for trials of osiris Going for flawless 33+
LF 1 trials
Need 1 more for crucible must be able to pull their own weight 34 message get: Redx192
34 Titan thorn looking for trials team. Gt lilweedbear
Looking for 1 to do trials preferably 34 but as long as you are decent
33 Hunter 1.11 kd w/ hunter. 1.0 overall Looking 4 group to join GT - OldDirtyRobot
33.5 warlock 3230 grimoire. Maxed exotics Need 2 for trials. 33+ with mic. Message for invite.
I need one more team member for tails of osiris GT same as above
ToO, prefer lvl 34, msg: Equaality
Lvl 33.5 warlock sunsinger need 2 players with mic lvl 33+ and good at pep for trials msg for an invite [360]
Hosting trials of Osiris must be 33+ and be good a pvp, msg jmacELITE2305
Need two skilled players for trials.. Just going for 9 wins, if we get flawless cool but I'm going to continue with a loss. Message The 4g for invite.
Not going to lie I need to be carried lol I'm not great at PvP just started playing I have a 33 warlock void walker working on sun singer don't have any good weapons besides bad juju and it's not fully upgraded if you have a spot and would like to help a girl out my gt pastycakes313 send me a message thanks guys :)
Looking for flawless run 9-0 trials team lets go
Hosting trials of Osiris must be 33+ and be good a pvp, msg jmacELITE2305
Need 2 good PvP player only lvl 34 with 365 weapons need mic and call outs