[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Been having so much fun shutting you all down ;)
33 Titan looking for 2 who have flawless 9-0 and would like to help an unfortunate soul who can't get the right team gt above message for inv
Looking for 34s that r GOOD at pvp and won't quit mid game for trials of Osiris msg for inv gt same as above
ToO. Lvl 33 warlock. Need warlock. Gamertag: GhostySea
Need 2 34's for Flawless Travles of Osiris, must have already done a flawless run on another character and have the emblem to prove it. Also must be Titan or warlock. Message merlinn18 for an invite. Must have mic also.
Need one 33+ for trials msg Favorite Bird for invite
Need 2 lvl 34 to help me for first time in trials of Osiris message me for an inv my gt is as above
Can anyone carry me in flawless ? I'm a really good sniper lvl 34 last word and BLK hammer
Need 2 34's for Flawless Travles of Osiris, must have already done a flawless run on another character and have the emblem to prove it. Also must be Titan or warlock. Message merlinn18 for an invite.
Looking for a level 34 who will play with a level 34 and a 32 in the trials. Plz be experienced with trials. Message for invite.
33 1/2 Titan looking for good trials team. Flawless would be nice, but not required. 360. Mortarion117
Trying for flawless 9-0 have somebody helping that did it were both experienced. please have mic. Send me a message at FireBlazingWolf with caps included. Lv 34, plus were both 34
Edited by Atlas: 5/25/2015 1:24:54 AMTwo level 33 both are pretty good at crucible, hunter and Titan looking for one more level 33+ that wants at least 5 wins message vVDemonRisingVv
Need two experienced, good players 34+ looking to run flawless trials message IMA SQUATCH for invite
Need 1 34 message sn1p3r501
Edited by TaelosVII: 5/25/2015 1:22:51 AM360 33 defender Pretty decent at crucible Looking for good team to attempt a 9 streak (If not, no big deal, just want the chest piece really) Mortarion117
looking for fire team for trails of osiris. need at least one self revive warlock. 33+. MSG Krazyfern03
Need one more lv 34. Trying for flawless 9-0 message me at FireBlazingWolf with caps included. We're experienced
Looking for 1 person to do trials of osiris I'm a 33 Titan and my friend is a 33 warlock... You need to be good enough in trials.. My friend and I would like to get the chest Gt is same as above
Need 2 34's for trials of osiris. msg silentkilla990 for inv
Need 2 players for trials have to be good don't suck 33+ just going for 5 wins Message for inv Gt same as above
looking for fire team. need at least one self revive warlock. 33+. MSG Krazyfern03
Need 2 34's for trials of osiris. msg silentkilla990 for inv
Looking for 2 33+ for trials. Must be experienced in pvp. Gt same as above. Message for invite