[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Looking for 2 33+ for trials. Must be experienced in pvp. Gt same as above. Message for invite
Looking for one 33+ for trials or 34 poe. Gt same as above.
Will anyone take a level 33 hunter for trials of Osiris? Gt is same.
PoE 33 + Must have good weapons Gt : xXxTonyBoyxXx
Looking for a good 34 for flawless 9-0 run for Osiris gt above
Looking for 2 people 33+ that are really good at trials i am trying to flawless plz help msg me for inv on xbox gt is same as username
34 warlock looking to join or start a trials team.....must be 33+ Looking to go as far as possible but at the very least 7 Msg me in game or send me and inv
need 1 lvl 34 for trials MUST BE GUARANTEED WINNER
Lvl 32 Hunter looking for trials of Osiris group send inv gt above
Need 34s for flawless gt above
Xbox 360 Need one more 33+ for T.of.O Gt same
Level 33 warlock got to 8 wins on my hunter looking for a good experienced team who knows what they are doing. Possession of thorn is preferable GT homeboy2727 (xbox360)
Hosting Trials of osiris 32+ Experienced Mssg me for inv
Trials of osiris Going for flawless 34 only Need 1 more player
Need one more 34 with max thorn or myth were going to lighthouse tonight alot msg LHR Malevolence for inv..ASAP
Level 32 hunter looking for trials team. Message me in-game for invite, GT same as above.
need 2 32+ for trials Message me
Edited by Thiefo: 5/24/2015 11:04:15 PMNeed one 34 for trials. Pls be experienced. Gt ingame is Thiefoz. Msg for invite INGAME pls and thanks **now accepting a 33 if they are experienced and have thorn or vex mytho**
Need one 33+ for trials. Gt same as above
Looking for a good crucible players for a team to do trials of Osiris I'm a good crucible player and a Lv 33 hunter Gt: tkMASTERCHIEF
Need 1 lvl 34 for trials must be good.
need 2 32+ for trials Message me
Im a lvl 34 hunter max thorns and myths looking for 2 other 34s going for that lighthouse all night must have at least maxxed thorn or myth msg LHR Malevolence for an inv ... ASAP
Edited by Gacha Man: 5/24/2015 10:47:52 PMToO need one lvl 33+ msg my gt for inv
Need 2 for trials 34s only Going flawless
Level 33 warlock looking to join trials of Osiris team. Must be 33+ gt same as above