[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Level 33 warlock looking to join trials of Osiris team. Must be 33+ gt same as above
Looking for 2 people 33+ that are really good at trials i am trying to flawless plz help msg me for inv on xbox gt is same as username
Looking for 2 33+ experienced players to do flawless trials of Osiris.
Looking for 2 lvl 33+ for trials. Im a lvl 34 warlock. Msg me on xb360. My gt is same as above.
Lookin for a team to run through the trials of Osiris msg me for invite. Gt is same as above.
Level 33 warlock got to 8 wins on my hunter looking for a good experienced team who knows what they are doing. Possession of thorn is preferable GT homeboy2727 (xbox360)
Lvl 34 warlock with max thorn and mithoclast... Looking for an experienced team to do the trials of Osiris with. I am very good at crucible...send me an invite on Xbox GT same as above
34 lock looking for good ToO team I'm decent (2.84 in trials) but mic is broken (can hear) Gt: UpbeatRain1
Lvl 32 Hunter looking for trials of Osiris group send inv gt above
I am a lvl34 Warlock with maxed weapons and can take on lvl32 or higher, you must be a good PvP player for Trials Of Osiris, I am going for a Flawless Win. Must have maxed weapons. GT: DMG Younisy (No time wasters)
Lv 34 max thorn and lie looking for a team bad. Mic broke but I know what's up and I am a very skilled player Gt- jiiviiL
Need one lvl 33+ to do trials with, msg me for an inv or join
Lvl 32 Hunter looking for trials of Osiris group send inv gt above
Edited by sowhatwhocar3s: 5/24/2015 10:29:07 PMNeed 1 for trails msg gt above for invite lvl 32+ xbox 360
34 hunter and warlock looking to go flawless Need a 34 Ht same
Need 2 for the tials preferably 33+ with some experience just msg for inv gt above
Trying to get Flawless 9-0 I'm lv 34 Hunter with maxed thorn. Need 2 more level 34 if interested. I'm Experienced as well. My gamer tag is FireBlazingWolf just as typed including caps. Message me if interested (I most likely will be doing this until the reset.)
Need 1 for trails. Would like titan 33+ gt SirXray message on Xbox
[33 Hunter looking for a good trials team... Gt same as name
Need two for 28 PoE msg same GT as above for inv
Legal 33 warlock I average a 1.5 I'd go above
Need 2 more for ToO msg chief8901 for an invite (34 only) want to get to lighthouse
Need one for ToO must be 33+ gt same as above
Need 2 for Trials of Osiris Lvl 33 or 34 Msg Gt above for inv
Edited by Colonel Turtle: 5/24/2015 9:14:51 PM
Looking for 2 skilled players 33+ for ToO to go flawless Gt: UpbeatRain1