[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Need one for trials 33+be experienced
Need 2 people for trials send inv in Xbox
Need 1 for trials jmckee2166
Need a team to help me get 9 wins in the trail
Looking for experienced 34s with good weapons and have made it to the light house I need to get there message me gt:XxHECKATHORNxX I'm a 34 titan
Looking for two lvl 34s for trials msg me
LF2 lvl 34's with max weapons for a flawless Trials run. Must have a mic and be able to communicate well. Message me on Xbox 360 with your class, subclass, weapon setup, and K/D (Both all time and last week).
Looking for 2 people for trials. Fr same as above.
Looking for 2 people for trials. Fr same as above.
Need 1 33+ for trials Msg for inv Gt same as above
Edited by Demoscene: 5/23/2015 9:56:14 PMNeed 2 for trials of Osiris. Fresh card. 32 or higher please. GT: Demoscene
Xbox one. Titan, Hunter, looking for a third player to finish ToO. We need 3 more wins. Msg GT: Lobato for an inv lvl 33 and up please.
Need 2 people for Skolas! Lvl 35 arena need to be lvl 34 with max Gjally looking to beat it in 10 to 15 secs. And have done it before . Need warlock or another Titan. GT: Eternal Hail
⚡️Need two lvl 32+ for ToO message me for inv gt DHG PANTHER ⚡️ Xboxone MSG TO JOIN
Got a fresh card hoping to get flawless. Need to be 33 and good weapons
Need 1 for trials of Osiris I'm a 34
Need 1 guy 33+ with thorn or vex gt ghostxleaderx msg for inv
33 hunter max red death looking for 2 guys I've beaten it flawlessly before
Need Flawless Players. Fresh Card Trials Of Osiris GT: DGP Mercy
Lvl33 Hunter on 360. Looking for 2 Lvl32+
Looking for group for trials I'm a 32 Titan msg or invite me.
LFG for ToO 33 Hunter Gt same as above
Lv 33 warlock lookin for a good trials team Inv me
Looking to join a trials of Osiris team Am a fairly good player at crucible 33 hunter Gt: tkMASTERCHIEF
Need 2 for trials of Osiris, msg me gt as abovwm I'm a lvl 33 titanbwith maxed thorn
Need one for trials of osiris. Msg for inv. Gt same