[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Need 1 good player gt is Knifinisahabit
I need 2 for ToO Would be 32 but still 31 Msg for invite LostTheC4
Looking for a crucible team to play trials or skirmish. No requirement other than be above lvl 31. My gt is Tkhi
Need 1 for ToO must be level 34 and have a mic. Gt merc search god.
33 sunsinger with good weapons looking for a good team for trails who want to win inv me gt Shiny Sableye
I'm a level 34/33 Titan with a 2+ K/D in skirmish and I'm looking for some other people who are around the same. I'd simply like people who are good so that we're not getting our asses handed to us. Gt: XDeathHorsemanX Please PM me on here or 360 if you're up.
Need 2 for trials 33+ msg Spartan blade11 for inv BE GREAT
Need 1 for Trials I'm a level 31 titan Friend is a 31 warlock with self res Xbox 360 Gt same as above
1 spot open for trials 33+ gt same as above
Looking for one more 33+ for ToO Must be good, must communicate very well and have good weapons Gt same, msg me for an invite
Need people for trials. Gt: bossbryan11
Edited by Astronaut: 5/22/2015 11:44:57 PMI don't know how to delete posts so please ignore this.
Need 2 people for trials of Osiris. Gt: bossbryan11
Need 2 for trials 33+ msg Spartan blade11 for inv BE GREAT
Need 2 people with max guns level 34 that have been to the lighthouse before. Trying to make it back. Msg TSG PHANTOM
GT: LocatedWarzone
32 hunter looking for trials team Gt above
Gt metalbabyjesus looking for nf/weekly/trials/poe
31 Titan. Yhea may not be a 34 but atleast I have killstreaks under my belt. Please sen IN GAME invite , thanks~ Spartain096
Lv 31 warlock with mic looking for a trials team. Gamertag same as above
Looking for 2 33+ for trials of osiris. Must be great in pvp and have weapons that will do the job. Message merlinn18 for an invite.
looking for 2 lvl33+ and k/d ratio above 1.5 for ToO message for invite gt same
Need 2 good players msg me I am very good
Looking for 2 guardians for Trials of Osiris. Message me for invite. GT: ChodiacKiller
Looking for 2 players to join me for Trials of Osiris. Requirements? Just get kills and play smart. Reply for an invite.
33 titan looking for a team