[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Lvl 31 hunter looking to recruit players for pvp. Xbox 360. I'm looking for players who are willing to play for a couple hours, with hopefully but not necessary average k/d. If everyone has fun with each other, then future games should be a bonus. Message me for details and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Good luck guardians
Lf 3 more for vog hard. 30+. Msg corvus mcmxci. (Xbox 360)
Looking for a team to play Crucible (Control). Message me or invite me if your still looking for folk to join Gamer tag: CubeMaster92
Anyone want to join me for Crucible? I am putting together a Fireteam send me message GT- same as name 360
Vog hard fresh we have 2 32s and 1 31 we need 3 more people gt above
RIP gaming community is looking to add some skilled PvP players to our roster, before the house of wolves drops. It's only a matter of time before destiny is on the pro circuit, and we wanna be ready. I've run with pro teams in Halo, GoW, and CoD. If interested please reply with your. -GT -Time/days you're online -Preferred class -Preferred primary/secondary
Looking for one more to do 3 vs 3 crucible
This post has now been changed from a iron banner finder to Cruciable
Hey we're doing Crota hard raid msg me on xbox if your down to stick it to him
Gt: boiisupreme Msg me on xbox
Looking for full team 30+ message The 4g for invite
Edited by Rqch: 5/5/2015 1:14:11 AMLooking to join a team for iron banner. Level 32 Hunter. Gt: LRACHEL. :)
Making an iron banner group! Message airaron for invite! Hit me up and we'll wreck some scrubs!!
(Xbox 360) 32 hunter looking for good iron banner team to do unlimited bubble trick gt same as name i have a maxed thorn, found verdict and a hunger of crota.
Need someone to play with 32 hunter Gt same
Need a good team. Much experience. Inv hb bucci
Unfortunately the Iron Banner will come to a end tomorrow I will change this post to a crucible finder instead of iron banner. Hope all ya guardians got what you want from Lord Salad Bowl
Looking to join a team inv
Looking to join a IB team GT: Itz Vividz
Looking to join a IB team. Inv Hohjo
Very competent warlock lf a group to play with, don't even care if it's just you, my only request is to know how to play control, I.e. advantageous points to hold, being aware of spawn flipping and the sort
32 hunter looking for team GT same as name
32 hunter looking for team for ib. Gt same as above
Looking for good players for iron banner Message MrLoonyPenguinn for invite XBOX 360 need 3 more
Need 3 people preferably 30+ for thorn bounty help! Message GT above!!
Looking for good players for iron banner Message MrLoonyPenguinn for invite XBOX 360