[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
I'm looking to do trails I've been 9-0 before msg me if you need help I'm a 34 Hunter with Max thorn and matador 64 gt: same as above
2 lvl 34 warlocks need one teammate for trials.... gamertag same as above. xbox 360
Trials!! Send invite
Need 2 for ToO 34 warlock been flawless on this character will pull my weight gt Mr Wright On
Starting a flawless team preferably have been flawless before so emblems let's go flawless quickly need good communication and be friendly
Need 2 for ToO 34 warlock been flawless on this character will pull my weight gt Mr Wright On
trials need one 34 and be chill gt same as name
Doing ToO run and I am looking for chill people to run with Getting flawless would be nice Getting the gear would be nice Just looking to have fun so pls be 34 and have mic msg Diegon 1990 for invt
Need a team for trials hmu R3CONxK1NG
I need 1 good players to do trials with good communication maxed weapons LVL 34 and average 6 kills please no noobs or scrubs I'm not crazy good but I can hold my own message sniperhairpeace
Lfg ToO add me flawless
Need 2 very experienced player for trials of osiris. Please have gone flawless before. msg for inv
34 titan maxed everything Thorn Red Death Mida Looking to go flawless again Message me
I need one person for trials level 33+ Self rez(optional) Mic
34 titan maxed everything Thorn Red Death Mida Looking to go flawless again Message me
Looking for people to do flawless raider doing crota normal msg gt^^
Need 2 very experienced player for trials of osiris. Please have gone flawless before. msg for inv
Need 1 for trials
Lvl 34 titan attempting to go flawless in trails. Must have some exp in the crucible Msg my gt for inv.
Need 1 for trials, gone flawless and don't suck
*Level 34 hunter with maxed weapons (thorn) *Looking for 2 34's with max weapons and experience to go flawless in TOO *gt same as name
Need someone for trials that averages at least 6 + kills a game maxed weapons an 34 only message sniperhairpeace
Need 1 for trials gt. PriMe UnreaL
34 titan doing VoG hard Need 4, 32+ only please Message for invite Gt kila purpz 559
Lfg add me
Need 2 34s for flawless trials run Requirements: Must have Mic Must have exotic emblem Must be able to carry your own weight Must have fresh passage Message me for invite Gt: Vendetta Rc Tired of people messaging me saying there good and all yet pull negatives. Don't bother to message me if your not good cuz you'll be kicked without hesitation lbs