[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Need 1 more for flawless message me - joshmaybegray96
Need 1 for trials .must have flawless emblem message for invite gt starts with a lowercase L
Need 1 for flawless msg gt same as above
Need 1 for trials, no noobs Got 2 lvl 34 sunsingers thorn/red death Message for invite
Looking for flawless trials team. Inv murdoc1785
[b][u]RUNNING FLAWLESS[/u][/b] [b]*•*Need Maxed Exotics*•*[/b] [b]*•*LvL34 Required*•*[/b] [b]*•*Must Be Experienced With Trials*•*[/b] *•*Must be VERY good also 1.50 K/D +*•* [b][u]Note: Don't Suck! Must gone 9-0 at least 6 times+[/u][/b] [b]*•*Gamertag: KoB Mistic *•*[/b] [b] [b]*•*>>>Xbox 360<<<*•*[/b] [b][u]•••Sniper Skills Is Preferred•••[/u][/b] [b][i][u]~~~EXPERIENCED(Carry YOURSELF or be kicked!)~~~[/u][/b][i] [b][i]Note: If you haven't gone flawless and don't have maxed weapons and don't me the requirements or if your gonna rage quit like a bitch than don't message me[/i][/b]
Lf 2 for trials must have gone flawless msg for inv gt same as name
Looking for 1 for trials. Must have gone flawless before and can carry your own weight. Must be 34+ and have a mic. I have gone flawless multiple times
34 titan hosting a flawless trials run must: Be 33+ Have a mic Over 1 trials kd Been flawless before Team player GT same as name Only message if you fit requirements
Lvl 34 hunter attempting to go flawless in trails. Must have some exp in the crucible Msg my gt for inv.
Trials of Osiris Trying to go flawless - have gone flawless before - be 34 - have maxed weapons/good weapons - have mic - No squeakers Message gt above
34 Hunter looking for a casual team all I need is two wins then will try to go flawless
Lvl34 Looking for 2 365 weapons Yes I've been to mercury... HMU!!!
Lvl 34 hunter attempting to go flawless in trails. Must have some exp in the crucible Msg my gt for inv.
Looking for one more player to do Trials. Looking to go flawless but not required.Must have some skill and not suck. Message ERAROD for invite.
Need one for ToO - must have gone flawless before with a mic - msg same as above for invite
Need 1 34 for Trials. I need help to go flawless and one of my friends that is helping has gone flawless before. Message me gt: ShadowShock901
Looking for 2 more for trials Must be/have -have mic -be 34 -Thorn or last word -skills -gone flawless Gt is same as above
need help with thorn bounty message *Zach0027* I can't finish it myself and I really need help. please and thank you
34 titan hosting a flawless trials run must: Be 33+ Have a mic Over 1 trials kd Been flawless before Team player GT same as name Only message if you fit requirements
Looking to go flawless. lev 34 lock with maxed gally and thorn, need to have a mic. msg me
Need 2 34 only for trials Must have gone flawless before ( have proof) Must have good maxed weapons Must be able to communicate Message gt above for inv
Looking for one more 34 to go flawless
Console: 360 Lv: 32 Searching for:31-34 Details: Looking for one more for trials of Osiris. I am out of town now but getting a team for (possibly) Saturday and Sunday. My friend is a level 33 and he can possibly play. Thanks! Please add a comment here, i will reply when we are looking for someone. This is on a first come, first serve basis. Thanks! Ps. Not looking for flawless, just some people looking for fun.
Need 2 34+ Guardians for ToO! -Going for flawless -Need good Weapons -No scrubs -Must have went flawless before (Need Emblem) -COMMUNICATION -And a good attitude! Message Tauxitix in game for INV!
Looking for a trials team who needs a good 3rd man invite me gamertag same as username